Chapter thirteen

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Aaliyah stayed in the church for a bit. It was a beautiful church and it brought back nice memories. It was getting quite late and Aaliyah started to walk home. She must of taken a wrong turn, as she didn't recognise where she was. Aaliyah was getting quite worried. She had no idea where she was. Suddenly Aaliyah heard footsteps behind her. She grew quite nervous and sped up. The footsteps were right behind her. Aaliyah started running away. She could hear the guys behind her. She worried about her children, and hoped she would see them again. She worried for Jameel. I'll never get to tell him who I am and how much I love him she thought. Aaliyah ran and hid. Please help me Jameel she thought. Your Aaliyah needs you. Aaliyah could hear the guys getting closer from her hiding place. Please don't find me she thought.

Aaliyah scream, as a guy found her. She ran away, hearing them right away. They were right behind her. Aaliyah tripped and fell on the floor. She got up, but they had all circled her. Aaliyah closed her eyes as she waited for them to hit her. She felt nothing, so opened her eyes. She saw Jameel holding back their hands. She ran away and hid as Jameel and the guys got into a fight. Aaliyah hoped nothing happened to her Jameel. She sat down and started praying. Aaliyah screamed as she felt someone take her arm.

"Relax. It's only me."

Aaliyah opened her eyes to see Jameel standing there. She ran up to him, and hugged him tightly. "Jameel, are you hurt? Let me see. What were you thinking getting into a fight with them? What if something had happened to you? Did you ever think what might have happened to us?" Jameel hugged her. "I'm fine. I know I have my wife's love and prayers with me, so nothing can happen to me." Aaliyah had tears in her eyes, listening to this, Jameel doesn't know how right he is she thought. My love and prayers are always with him.

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