Chapter three

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"Jameel, this is my Jessie doll. She's cold, so she's going to sleep with us tonight."

"Aaliyah, I love you, but your the only girl I want to sleep with."

Jameel woke up in a panic. He was sweating profoundly. Why did I just have that weird dream he thought? Why did I dream about Aaliyah? What does this mean? He got up to get himself a glass of water. He was on his way back to his room,when he noticed Aaliyah at the table. She hadn't noticed him, so continued crying. "What's wrong?" he asked sitting down. Aaliyah dried her eyes. "Nothing. I'm just missing my husband." "Don't worry. He'll be back soon." Aaliyah looked at Jameel. "I hope so."

Jameel decided to cheer Aaliyah up, as for some reason it upset him, seeing her like this. "Tell me your love story." "It's quite long. Are you sure you want to hear it?" "Of course. Since I can't remember my own, I'd love to hear yours. Maybe it'll trigger something in me, and I'll remember mine." "That's what I'm hoping" Aaliyah thought.

"I moved hear to start a new nursing job. I met my husband when I went into the coffee shop to get a hot latte. Boy did he make a bad first impression on me. He bumped into me, sending the latte flying all over me. He apologised and got me a new one. But I was very rude to him. That was his nickname for me latte."

Jameel ran his hands, through his head. Why did that name sound so familiar?  "Anyway, it turned out he was my bosses son, so we started over. For some reason, he fell in love with me. I thought I hated him, but an elderly patient made me realise how I really felt. I blew hot and cold with him, but he persisted. I finally gave in. He made me happier than I ever thought possible. The happiest I've ever been. But I stupidly left him, and moved away for what I thought was a better job."

Aaliyah looked up at Jameel. He was holding his head in his hands. To Aaliyah it looked like he was putting too much pressure on his brain. He was sweating loads. Aaliyah got up and helped him back to bed.

"I'll tell you the rest another day. You don't look well. Get some sleep."

Aaliyah watched Jameel as he slept. She kissed his cheek and whispered "good night my darling." 

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