Chapter Seven - The Oncoming Storm

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Peter was surrounded by ice, he was freezing cold as he looked around wildly to try and figure out where he was. Although he had never been there he knew that where he stood was the White Witch's castle. He heard a cackle and turned to see a young woman, bearing a striking resemblance to his old enemy sitting on a throne of ice and looking at three bodies stretched out below her, the bodies of his siblings, stone cold and not breathing. 

"NO!" he yelled, he reached for his sword but it wasn't there so he summoned the winds, forcing all his power to attack the woman, whom he realised was Lena. He fought and fought but when the wind died down she was still sitting on her throne unharmed, cackling evilly. Suddenly the dream changed. He was on a battlefield, but he had been there before. In front of him he watched as the White Witch cut down his brother and with anger he surged forward but before his sword could meet her skin the dream changed once again. This time he saw Lucy, surrounded by darkness, crumpled to the floor, crying. Again the scene changed and he was back on the battlefield but this time he wasn't fighting, merely watching as an army approached him, led by Lena. He began to run at her, sounding the charge but before the two armies met he was floating out of his body up into the sky and as darkness surrounded him he heard a whisper, just a faint one but of a voice he would know anywhere, he struggled to hear as Aslan's voice whispered to him "she is coming..."

Peter woke up with a sudden cry and an overwhelming force of power that caused the windows in his room to shatter and a gale to take over the entire room. Remembering what Helena had taught him, he took a deep breath and drew his power back into him reducing the winds. It was at this point he became aware of the sounds of havoc throughout the castle. Someone was banging on his door yelling his name, he could hear screams coming from down the corridor, he was sure he heard someone yell "FIRE!!" and as he got out of bed his whole room began to shake. He pulled on a robe and staggered out of his room where various courtiers were outside the door. "Your Majesty!" one cried, "are you alright?! We heard the sound of forceful winds coming from your rooms but couldn't open the door."

"I'm fine," Peter replied quickly, "but what in Aslan's name is going on?" he demanded.

"It's your siblings Your Majesty, their powers are going crazy. No one can enter any of their rooms!" as Peter heard this the shaking became more intense and bits of dust began to fall from the ceiling, this was accompanied by a scream coming from Lucy's room. Peter, without thinking took off immediately to find more courtiers and Jay outside his sister's door. Jay was shaking the door handles, desperately trying to open the doors a look of sheer panic on his face. 

"Stand back" Peter instructed and with a whoosh of air, blew open Lucy's bedroom door. The scene before him was a mess. The whole room was violently shaking with bits of the ceiling crumbling down onto the floor, narrowly avoiding Lucy's bed.

 "LUCY!" Jay cried out, surging forward. 

"Stay back!" yelled Peter, "It's too dangerous!" Reluctantly, Jay did as he was told as Peter entered the room. Using the air around him he managed to create a shield so that he could avoid the flying debris. As he made his way across the room he called out "Lu! Lucy! It's only a dream! You have to wake up! Lucy!" He finally made it to the bed and began to shake his sister by the shoulders, trying to get her to wake up, all the while calling her name. Suddenly, and with a piercing scream, Lucy sat up, and as she did so the trees outside her window suddenly grew, the branches shooting through the windows, shattering them. Peter pulled his sister into a hug, creating a force field of air around them to avoid the flying glass and branches. Lucy shivered in his arms. "It's ok," he comforted her, "It's fine, you're ok now." More screams were heard, coming from the direction of Susan's room and Lucy drew back from the hug. "Peter what's going on?" she asked. 

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