Chapter Five - Worries and Revelations

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Lena was extremely uncomfortable. She was crouched in a ball on the floor of her mother's sledge except she wasn't herself. She was in somebody else's body and had no recollection of the events taking place around her. She was freezing cold, only wearing a light jumper for warmth. She was also experiencing the overpowering emotion of fear and guilt. Her mother's sledge was running at full speed and she knew that they were hunting someone. Someone she loved. That was the other odd thing. She couldn't think of anyone in her life that would make her feel as much emotion as she did at that moment. She felt exposed, terrified of what they were running towards and of her mother who was towering above her. Each time she glanced up at the deadly ice queen another wave of fear washed over her. She knew the look of determination that was worn on her mother's face. It meant that she would do anything and go through anyone to get what she wanted. It was at these times that her mother was at her most violent. Sure enough the White Witch looked down at her curled up body, her upper lip curled up in disgust at the child below her. She raised her foot and kicked at Lena's abdomen with full force. With the jolt of the kick the scene changed around her and she was no longer in a stranger's body. She was in her bedroom in her mother's castle, the White Witch leaning over her, the same expression on her face yet this time she spoke, "You are pathetic, you cower from me like a whimpering mule. You are no daughter of mine." With that she turned her back on Lena, marched out the room slamming the door behind her leaving the room in pitch-black darkness.

Lena awoke with a start drenched in sweat, gasping for air and extremely confused. Aaron, who had been asleep at her feet but who woke with her, curled up to her side recognising her signs of distress. Lena frowned. Her dream playing on her mind. The boy's body she had been in was the same boy who she had seen being hit by her mother in previous dreams. She had no idea who the child was but he was clearly familiar with her mother's abuse. She sighed, frustrated. The dream had made her feel weak and she hated feeling weak. It reminded her of how useless she was as a child, how she could never overpower her mother. Well, no more. Soon the whole of Narnia would be in her control. Something her mother had never managed to achieve. With that thought, a wicked grin returned to her face.

The Great Hall was beautifully decorated from top to toe. The decorations were also themed to each sibling's new power. Boulders surrounded with moss and beautiful flowers lined the walls of the room. At one side of the hall the wall had been turned into a waterfall, at the other a large fire was warming the room, keeping out the chill of winter and hanging from the ceiling were delicate clouds that somehow seemed to move when you looked at them, despite there being no wind around. Guests from all over Narnia had been arriving all day. Peter observed them entering the castle from his window. He had been worried that no one would show up to the ball, what with the fear running around the country of a possible war. There was a knock at his door and Edmund stuck his head round. The two brothers were wearing identical blue robes with the Narnian crest on the front except Peter's robes were a much lighter blue than Edmund's. "Pete?" he questioned seeing his brother's furrowed brow, "you ready?" Peter sighed. "I'm just not sure if we're doing the right thing. Having this ball when so much is going on right now." he replied, his voice heavy with stress. Edmund walked into the room and clapped his brother on the shoulders. "Are you kidding?" he asked, "this is exactly what Narnia needs right now. It's exactly what we need right now. With everything that's going on, everyone just needs to forget about it for a few hours and enjoy themselves. We can worry about the future tomorrow." Peter looked over to his brother and they shared a grin. 

"Let's get to it then," he replied. They walked out of the room and met with Lucy and Susan at the entrance to the Great Hall. Lucy was dressed in a long sleeved deep green dress with small white flowers embroidered around the edges. Susan's dress was sleeveless and a brilliant shade of red with flecks of gold shining throughout the fabric. 

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