2 0 0

Just as Edith was about to strike, a shot rang out in the alley, but the round flew low and ricocheted off the sidewalk. Elizabeth stood at the mouth of the alley, her hands shaking, eyes wide. Clearly, this woman was shocked that the shot had gone off.

When Edith turned back towards Clara, Elizabeth sensed someone brush up against her. She looked up at the voluptuous woman and during this tense time? When Elizabeth's eyes moved up, they grew in size.

"Shhhh," Edith said. "It's a long story and we don't have time to explain."

Elizabeth's mouth hung open, her mind unable to deal with conflicting truths. Edith smiled warmly and tore the weapon from her stiff fingers. The cool chill of the grave that Elizabeth felt from that brief exchange was enough to turn her skin to gooseflesh.

"You with me?" Edith asked.

"Uhhh?" Elizabeth managed to vocalise.

How could there be two of the same person? Although, this one appeared to be about a decade older as judged by the silver streaks running through her hair. Elizabeth wondered if this one also had a pair of wings.

"Close enough," Edith said. She then trained the weapon on her alternate self and said, "You need to head home now. Fast as you can and get that amphora!"

"Wha..." Elizabeth asked.

Edith fired one round that rang out loud and clear. She then looked over to Elizabeth. Her eyes widened and her head motions to the street to indicate the arrival of an oncoming traxi.

When Elizabeth didn't move, Edith sighed and said, "Go! Be sure to bring it back here—and hurry."

This time when the shots rang out, Elizabeth was already waving down the cab. Edith fired every round to the best of her abilities, adjusting the angle of the shots as they struck until one flew true.

When she expended the clip, Edith turned around and melted into the crowd before her alter-ego could spot her. They needed a diversion and now that was over and done with, it was time for Angela to step up.

* * * *

"Pull over right there," Elizabeth said.

The cabby pulled over, confused about why they were back here. When he set the transmission to park and stopped the metre, the driver looked into his rear-view mirror and found a stack of twenties on the seat with the door wide open. He caught sight of her hightailing it down the sidewalk while holding onto an old piece of pottery.

After closing the door, he shifted into drive in time to watch a series of squad cars screaming in from around the corner with their sirens blazing. He slammed his fists against the wheel and shoved the transmission back into park. He would be going nowhere soon, considering how they cut him off at both ends.

"This is going to take a while," he muttered.

* * * *

"I'm here!" Elizabeth yelled while running down the alley.

She saw a little girl dressed up like a nun standing in front of Clara. She ran to within a few yards, slowed, then dropped to her knees at Clara's side.

Elizabeth was out of breath. Adrenaline coursed through her veins and clouded her thoughts. Why did this child seem so familiar? Perhaps she was a fragment from some long forgotten dream or a faded memory?

"Good," Angela said. "Get ready."

"For?" Elizabeth asked.

Angela smiled warmly, and reached for the handle of the knife buried in Clara's chest. Meanwhile, she placed her free hand against Clara's chest to get more leverage.

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