Bella was taken into the spirit world

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             Bella pov

Edward did as he said he was going to do. That was four days ago.

Right now it's six at night and I'm at home by myself as everyone went into town to do some shopping.

Then I heard a alarm go off on the moniter for the gate.

I walked into the office and looked into the screen. I had to take a double take because I seen my mom standing there at the gate.

I made sure all the doors we're locked and windows and curtains we're closed and locked.

I ran for the kitchen and grabbed my phone and called my dad.

"What is it Bells?" He asked me. "Mom is at the gate dad." I told him. "Whatever you do, don't leave the house at all." My dad told me.

"You ain't got to worry about that dad." I hung up the phone. I ran back to the office.

All my mom is doing was standing there. I know she couldn't step inside the gate.

I ran upstairs into mine and Edwards room and changed my clothes into the outfit I bought for going into the spirit world.

I French braided my hair and ran up to the attic. I looked out the window and could see the gate from here.

Then the next I knew I was on the ground and being pulled along the floor.

I almost forgot it was Halloween. I wasn't prepared for this but it was to late.

           Edward pov

Jane, Chuck and I was pulling in just as Charlie was. Then I seen Renee standing there. There was other people in the car to.

Charlie got out of his patrol car and I got out of my truck and we walked up to her.

"I'm sorry Renee I should've called you and saved you a trip. But Bella refuses to see you. She told me she wants nothing to with you since you belong to a cult." Charlie told her.

"What's he doing here?" She asked pointing to me. "I have everything right to be here because my son is here and Bella and I are back together." I told her.

"I'm her mother and I have every right to see my daughter and grandson." She told us.

I looked at Charlie and he nodded his head. He walked up to the pin pad and punched the code in. I knew what was going to happen.

Renee got into the car and as soon as the gate open she went to drive in but made a sudden stop. I leaned against my car crossing my legs and arms knowing what just happened.

Renee put the car in reverse and stopped next to Charlie. "Maybe Bella and Mason can meet in town or something." She said and left.

I couldn't help but laugh. "Boy you did a good job on keeping the evil out." I just shake my head and got back into my truck and drove up to the house.

We put the groceries in the kitchen. "BELLA WE'RE HOME." I yelled out. I knew tonight we were doing our plan to get Mason.

It was Halloween. Maybe that's why Renee and the people that we're with her were here for some sacrifice.

I noticed Bella didn't answer or come into the kitchen. So I walked up to our room and noticed she had already changed her clothes but wasn't in here.

I went and looked in Mason room but still no Bella. So I went downstairs and went into the office and looked at the monitors and still didn't see her.

Then I seen on the machine for the attic that something was caught on camera.

I rewind it and watched it. I seen Bella looking out the window. Then she was pulled to the ground and dragged across the floor and disappeared.

I hit my fist against the desk. "What is it Edward?" Charlie asked me. "Bella was pulled into the spirit world." I told him.

"So this is what you do. Tie all the equipment to the rope and throw it in the portal and we call out for Bells. That simple. We still stick with the plan just little different that's all." Charlie explained.

He was right and I knew it. So we went ahead and started setting up the basement first. We made sure there was a mattress they could land on.

Then we made sure my bathtub was filled with water. Then it was time to go into the attic.

I tied the bag to the rope and then tied the other end to the beam on the ceiling and made sure it was tight.

"BELLA DO YOU HEAR ME?" I yelled out. "EDWARD!" I breath a sigh of relief. "I'M GOING TO THROW A BAG TO YOU TIED TO A ROPE." I told her.

I took and threw the bag in. "I GOT IT EDWARD!" She told me. "I WILL MEET YOU DOWNSTAIRS. BELLA I LOVE YOU AND PLEASE BE CAREFUL." I told her.

"I LOVE YOU TO EDWARD AND I WILL." I quickly ran down the stairs to the basement where everyone else was waiting.

              Bella pov

I hurried and untied the bag from the rope. For some reason they let me go just after they brought me in.

I waited right there because I knew they would stick with the plan.

I got hooked up and put the rest back inside the bag except the go pro and hooked that up and turned it on.

I started walking. It was strange being on this side. Everything was the same but different. I put my hand on the stair well and took it away.

It was slimy. "Eww. That's just gross." I said out loud. I started down the stairs to the third floor.

I went into each room. There were 3 bedrooms on this floor. In one of the rooms I seen the little girl from the picture.

I slowly walked to her where she was sitting on the bed and kneeled down in front of her.

"You must be Rebecca." I said as a statement. She nodded her head. "Have you seen Mason?" She nods her head. "He's hiding but I can't say where because they are looking for him." She told.

"Your doing the right thing. You stay away from them to. There bad people." She nods her head and disappears.

I stood up and walked into the next room and seen another girl. "Are you Jane?" I asked. She turns and looks at me.

"They pull you in too?" She asked me. I nodded my head. "You need to go find your son." Wait how she know.

She pointed to her head. "We are alike you know. We see things. Plus feel things. I'm alright. Go save Mason." I stood there a minute before I walked out.

I do not own all the characters in the story Stephanie Meyers does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

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