moving in

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               Bella pov

My son Mason and I were moving in with my dad into this house he found it on one of his running the rodes on patrol. What can I tell you about my dad is he can see things and he has powers to. But he also a cop.

So he found this place by accident you could say. He pulled someone over in front of the long driveway so he just bought it for all of us.

The reason was my ex boyfriend Mike was abusive. We never had sex because I would never let him touch me or kiss me. I always had this feeling that there was something evil about Mike. My dad wanted to make sure we were hidden.

This is all new to me and my son. To finally be who we all are.

See my dad was the chief of police in Forks Washington. I was living with my mom until Mike found me. But I was always sensing something with my mother to but just couldn't figure it out.

I wasn't going to let Mike hurt my son or me anymore. But anyways we were moving in today.

My son was 3 years old now. I took him out of my truck and he took off running. I just shook my head. My son loves it already.

"Mason stay where we can see you son please." I told him. "Let him be a kid Bells. Look around you. Look at all this space." I looked all around.

I took a deep breath and smelled the fresh air. "Your right dad. But it's so hard not to keep watching over my back thinking Mike's going to find me." I told him.

He wrapped a arm around my shoulder. "I understand Bells. Believe me I do. But your safe here Bells. Not even your mom knows where you are." I lean my head on my dads shoulder and watched Mason.

Hopefully mom will never find out. I want to keep her as far away from mason and me.

Mason was smiling and laughing and I haven't seen him do that in so long. It felt good to see him that way.

Maybe dad was right. This could be a new beginning for us.

We finally started taking things into the house and you could hear Mason running all over the house.

I smiled and shake my head. I started with the kitchen first. I found the coffee maker and started some coffee.

While the coffee was making I open the box of dishes and put them in the cupboard.

I went to get more and I about jumped out of my skin because they we're on the counter now. I raised an eyebrow in confusion.

I sat what was in my hands on the counter. I lean my hands on the counter and saw a vision of a family from the past. They we're from very long ago.

Then I feel a hand on my shoulder. "Did you see something?" I nod my head.

"They we're a family from very long ago that lived here. But didn't see nothing else." I explained to my dad.

Dad grabs a cup of coffee and helps me put away everything. I started dinner and Mason came running in the back door.

"Mommy there's a old man out back." I kneeled down and put my hands on Mason shoulders.

"Was he real or a spirit son?" I asked him. "I can not tell mommy. He scares me though." He told me.

I turned down the stove and oven so dinner didn't burn. But to tell you truth I'm way better at baking not cooking.

"DAD!" I called out. "What's up?" He asked as he walked into the kitchen. "Mason saw someone out back. He can't tell if he real or not but he scared Mason pretty bad. Mason can you take us where you saw him?" Mason nods his head.

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