He checked the caller ID and saw it was his girlfriend. He nervously bit the inside of his mouth and looked over his shoulder to see Taeyong getting under his blanket.

Why do I feel like I'm cheating?

He stood up abruptly and stepped out of the tent to answer the call.

"What is it?" He asked sternly.

"Jae, it's been days since we last spoke. Do you still love me?"

He paused before replying. Thinking.

"I do but you've been super clingy lately."

"What? You're always hanging out with that weird guy! If anything he's clingy."

"Don't talk about my friends like that!"

"Do you know he likes you?"

"Stop this nonsense. There's no reason to be jealous." Jaehyun snapped.

"I'm telling you! He looks at you like you're a piece of gold. He's obviously gay, Jae."

"If you have nothing else to say I'm hanging up. Bye." Jaehyun countered as he pressed to end the call.

Jaehyun stood outside the tent for a while. He ran his hand through his hair trying to remain calm.

Taeyong is gay?
Even if he is, why does it matter?

He sighed heavily before he entered the tent carefully as he saw Taeyong turned away on his side.

He cleared his mind and went to sleep refusing to stress any further.

Jaehyun woke to a damp feeling on his chest and a heaviness which weighed him down. He opened his eyes to see a sleeping Taeyong resting on his chest and his own arm around him.

He could've moved the other but he found him cute, sleeping so soundly. Jaehyun watched as the older boy began to stir and crinkled his eyebrows. He quickly sealed his eyes and pretended to be asleep.


Ugh, why did he kiss me? Does he really like me?

Jaehyun was now alerted to the presence of the now awoken boy who walked down the stairs rubbing his eyes.

"Hey, did everyone leave already?"

"Yeah, I'll carry you home after I throw out this trash" the younger said.

Jaehyun had finished cleaning and threw the bags of trash into the bin at the top of the road. Once he returned to the house the two boys got into the car and drove back to their town. The ride was silent aside from the light melody playing from the radio.

The next school day Taeyong woke up feeling extremely warm. He coughed and got up out of bed and headed to the kitchen. A sticky note on the refrigerator was visible. He peeled it off and it read:

"Hey son, I noticed you weren't waking up to your alarms and took your temperature and noted you have a fever. I called the school to tell them you're sick. Made some congee it's in the fridge, reheat it well. Will call later to check on you. Feel better!

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