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The week flew by, and finally it was Saturday. Shane had just arrived home after a long shift at the Pizza Shoppe that evening, and immediately upon entering the kitchen, the smell of pizza filled the air. Sweet, he thought to himself as he slipped off his shoes and hung his car keys on the coat rack. The fam must have ordered pizza for dinner. Rushing downstairs to his room, he closed the door behind him and took off his Pizza Shoppe T-shirt and cap. Looking down at his body, he could still see the bruises caused by the brutal fight with Trip and his buddies after the school dance. The stab wound he sustained in his stomach was slowly healing, but it still throbbed with pain. In order to cover up his wounds, he threw on a black T-shirt with a Slipknot logo on it, and he put his favorite cap backwards over his dark hair. 

Sprinting back upstairs, Shane entered the kitchen and eyed the unopened pizza box sitting on the table. Just as he was about to grab a slice, the doorbell rang. Goddammit, he thought as he walked over to the front door and flung it open. In front of him stood Heidi's friend Emma, clutching a large overnight bag. Her blonde hair was braided neatly in a sidebraid and she wore a low cut, long sleeved T-shirt and black leggings. As Shane gave her a stern look, Emma stared at the ground to avoid his gaze.

"Heidi! Your anorexic friend is here!" Shane shouted, looking over his shoulder. Walking away, he let the door slam shut in Emma's face. Wandering back over to the table, he opened up the pizza box, grabbed a slice, and took a huge bite. He watched as Heidi and her friend Sharyn walked towards the front door and opened it for Emma. Heidi's blonde hair was braided into two french braids that hung over her shoulders, and she was wearing a bright pink shirt with lacy sleeves along with a pair of skinny jeans. Sharyn, who was right behind her, had brown hair laid neatly around her shoulders. She was wearing a long, sky blue top with sleeves that came to her elbows, along with black leggings underneath. Both girls greeted Emma and let her into the entryway.

Just then, Heidi caught sight of Shane eating the pizza. "Shane! That's our pizza! I ordered that for our sleepover!" she whined, rushing into the kitchen with Sharyn and Emma at her heels.

Shane shoved another bite in his mouth nonchalantly and swallowed it almost instantly. "Who cares if I have one damn slice?" he retorted. "It's not like your anorexic friend is going to eat any."

"Will you stop calling her that?!" Heidi shouted, getting more worked up by the minute. "She's not anorexic!"

"Um, ya she is," Shane replied after swallowing yet another bite. "I've never seen anyone so skinny."

"Like I said before, she has a fast metabolism!" Heidi protested. "Now stop eating our pizza or else!"

Shane shoved the rest of his pizza in his mouth and proceeded to grab a second and a third slice. "I can do whatever the fuck I want," he stated, his mouth full of food. "Mom and Dad aren't here to stop me."

"Just because Mom and Dad are gone doesn't mean you can get away with everything!" Heidi cried angrily, closing up the box of pizza and tucking it under her arm. "You're such an asshole!"

"You think I give a shit?" Shane replied calmly, taking another bite of pizza. 

"Argh! I hate you!" Heidi screamed, her freckled face red with anger. With that, she disappeared downstairs with the box of pizza under her arm.

Shane contentedly finished his pizza and proceeded to head downstairs to his room. Along the way, he glanced in the family room and spotted the girls sitting on the couch, chatting amongst themselves while eating pizza. As long as they don't fucking bug me, I'll be fine, he thought as he walked into his bedroom and closed the door behind him. Flopping on his stomach on the bed, he pulled out his phone and replied to a text from Shania. 

A New BeginningNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ