chapter 14

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Chapter 14

I paced waiting for either Harry or the snake to come back. If the snake came back, there would be nothing to do but try to help Ginny myself. Tom watched my every move as if I was going to try to run away. I still had the sorting hat in my hand, so far it had done nothing but lay there. I heard a clang echo from where harry disappeared and bit my lip in worry. As I paced I hummed my mothers song, thinking. I don't know why but song just seemed soothing to me. I also tapped my wand on my leg, red black and silver sparks kit up the tip every time I tapped.

" why is the memory so special" I asked trying to make conversation, he smirked.

" now why would I tell you that, Haylee."

" just curious, that's all" I had stopped pacing by now. I sat next to Ginny's motionless form. Petting her hair. " if all you needed from me was a memory. why try to kill me, like you did Harry"

" when the spell hit your brother it also lashed out hitting you as well." I was shocked he had actually told me. I stood up as the sound of splashing footsteps signaled Harry's return. Tom grabbed my arm pulling me towards him and away from Harry. The ground rumbled as the snake shot out of the water behind us. It looked at harry and lunged. Harry jumped out of the way, it missing by inches.

I struggled to get away from Tom but his grip tightened and I winced. I saw something glimmering inside the hat, A sword. Harry must have seen it to because he went after it just as the snake lunged again. I pulled against Tom and he grabbed my hair pulling my head back. He let go of my arm and put the wand at my throat. As I watched harry climbed the statue sword in hand, the serpent lunged at him again but missed.

" look out, behind you" I yelled as it lunged again this time hitting its mark, but so did he by shoving the sword through the roof of the snake's mouth. It feel on its side and Harry slides down down the wall landing next to Ginny. Beside him sat the sword and the gang from his arm.

" so ends, the famous Harry Potter. I'm going to watch you die, but take your time I can wait." Tom let go of me and I fell to my knees in tears. The phoenix dropped landed next to Harry and leaned over him,Tears falling down its cheeks. I crawled over to Harry as the tears hit his wound and it began to heal. I smiled and hugged harry. There was a loud bang and the bird flew off. Tom pointed his wand at harry.

" I prefer it this way, just you, me and your darling sister here" I glared at him and stepped in front of him with my wand raised as the bird flew over harry and dropped something, the diary. Before I could blink harry drove the fang into the diary and Tom burst into flames.

Ginny stirred and sat up. She saw harry and me, and began to apologize but I stopped her.

" Ginny, your not to blame. I am, I should have told Dumbledore when I had the chance" I said helping her to her feet. I tucked the wand in my pocket then with Harry's help I led her through the round door. He led me over to a blocked off path. He let go of Ginny and yelled" Ron, I've got Ginny. She's ok" some of the rock moved and an arm shot through, almost giving me a heart attack. I screamed and fell over with Ginny right behind me. Harry looked at me and laughed. I glared at him and crossed my arms as I stood up with Ginny. She to glared at the two boys. We moved the rest of the rocks out of way, to reveal Ron and..... Professor Lockhart. I raised an eyebrow at harry, and he smiled.

" thought Lockhart could help us. When we got down here he turned on us by taking Ron's wand. He cast a memory charm and blasted himself into the Rock on the ceiling. " harry explained. I smirked. " I knew he was to good to be true. So how do we get out of here" I asked them. They looked at each other and shrugged. I sighed as the bird flew past us. I smiled an idea forming in my head. The bird flew toward me and I grabbed its tail, it lifted me into the air. I looked down at harry and laughed, it flew me up the slide entrance and sat me down. I landed on my feet and it went back foe the others.

The bathroom door opened and I turned to see Dumbledore. My eyes widened and I smiled innocently, the bird came flying up with Ginny,ron and Harry then Lockhart who was smiling like a kid in a candy store. I rolled my eyes then walked over to Dumbledore, I handed him the diary. He looked at the name and he nodded.

" miss Potter, Mr. Potter meet me in my office. Mr Weasley, miss Weasley your parents are in professor Mcgonagall's office, and take professor Lockhart with you" they nodded and left while we followed Dumbledore to his office. Once inside his office we explained what happened in the chamber. Harry showed him the sword and he smiled as Harry placed it on his desk. I got up and walked over to the window. The door opened and Mr. Malfoy walked in with a small floppy eared creature. Then I realized it was a house elf. From the look on Harry's face, this must be Dobby. I glared at Mr. Malfoy but he ignored me as he looked at Dumbledore. I turned back to the window

" so, have you stopped the attacks yet, have you caught the culprit" he asked

" we have"i heard Dumbledore say.

" well, who is it" he asked.

" the same person as last time, Lucius." I turned around and crossed my arms." but this time, lord Voldemort was acting through someone else. By means of this diary" Dumbledore held up the little black book with the hole in it. I noticed the elf doing something weird but I ignored him. I walked over next to Harry

" I see..... "

" a clever plan, because if Harry here and his friend Ron hadn't discovered this book, why Ginny Wesley and miss Walters might have taken all the blame, no one would ever have been able to prove they hadn't acted of their own free will..... " I tuned out the rest of the conversation by going through my memories but I kept being led back to my mothers song. I was pulled out of my thoughts by the closing of a door. I looked up to see that Mr. Malfoy had left.

" professor is it alright if I give that back to Mr. Malfoy, please"

" certainly, harry, but hurry. The feast remember" he nodded then picked up the diary and left. I sighed and plopped down in the chair in front of him. I rubbed my head in frustration.

" headmaster, I didn't want to say it in front of Harry but Voldemort, he told me something about that night, and I'm curious. He told me that there is something in my memory that he needs but he didn't tell me what. I'm gone through everything but the only thing I can come up with from that time is her song" I explained to him and he nodded" I'm scared headmaster" a tear fell down my cheek

" did he tell you anything else, Haylee" I nodded" also that when he tried to kill Harry, he wasn't aiming for me but the spell lashed out and hit me in neck. That's why I have a scar"

He was silent for a couple minutes" Haylee, you must be careful. If he ever does return he will come for you and when he does, you must fight" I nodded

" but what if ------"

" then you must resist him. No matter what he can't get what he wants. Understand"

" yes headmaster" I stood up. Then part if the song went through my head and i stopped my hand above the door knob. I smiled" I think it has something to do with the founders of Hogwarts"

" what do you mean, miss Potter,"

" a part of the song, it mentions them. " I told him the line of the song:

Four gifts were given
The Lion a sword
The owl a crown
The badger a cup
But the snake's was never found, they say
that anyone who could speak his language
Simply had to look for his symbol

Then I turned and walked through the door.

Haylee potter and the chamber of secretsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant