"Rain, your sweet angel is begging you not to fall" Theresa pleaded. Her hands were clasped together as she stared at the sky.

Alex frowned and snarled "What makes you think you are an angel? Rain, do as you please. Don't listen to that witch not angel

"Rain shouldn't fall. Do we have shelter?" she yelled.

"Who are you? A demi-god? You can't tell the rain what to do" he retorted. She opened her mouth but couldn't find the right word to lash out.

She hissed and jogged. She wished she could get to the main street. There was more hope there than where they were. At the main street, she could board a taxi.

Minutes later, she began to feel the rain droplet.

"Alex, look! It is drizzling. I hope you are happy!" she commented on a flat tone.

Alex looked heavenwards. His brows snapped together and he shook his head. "Is it about to rain?" he questioned.

"No! It is about to snow," she hissed.

"Hey!" he growled and pointed at her. "Don't talk to me like that".

"It's going to rain. I thought you liked that?"

"No! I was just joking"

"You should be happy. Your joke is now actualizing"

Alex scowled. It was going to rain and he didn't want that.

However, the drizzling became an intensive rain. There were lightning and thunderclaps.

Theresa was frightened. They ran to an abandoned store at the bush. It was an old shop that was locked up with chains. The roof was falling apart, the iron bars of the windows were rusted and the wooden walls had holes. They stood under the shelter that was provided.

Theresa furrowed her brows. She didn't like the rain at all. One of the reason was that she wasn't dressed for it. Alex was on his suit protected from cold while she wore a short sleeve knee-length gown.

The cold breeze blew past her long slim legs and she felt a tremor in her bones. Her hair was wet and dripped water on her once dried gown. She turned to Alex who seemed fine and warm.

*Time to put on my charm. Well, I don't know if I have one but Thelma does and it works. So technically since we are twins, I should have a cute puppy dog eyes that works well. I really need a suit to cover my arms. I'm freezing *

"Alex!" she called in a singsong voice.

Alex was shocked and turned to her abruptly.

"Me?" he inquired.

"Yeah! Give me your suit" she commanded.

"Sure!" Alex pretended to take off his suit. He paused and adjusted it properly on his body.


"Yeah! What? It's mine and you were quite polite" he said flatly.

"Quite polite?" Theresa murmured.

*Ohh! I see. Irony, huh? I am not going to beg him*

She rolled her eyes.

"Look at me! I am so exposed  to this cold air" she pointed out.

"So? How is it my concern? Every man for himself" he scoffed.

"Heartless being!" she mumbled.

"Thanks! You're not bad yourself" he snickered.

Theresa was silent. She walked to a far end and stood there. Continuously, she would glance at Alex. The cold nipped on his bare skin and he hugged himself.

Contradicting Twins Love {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now