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Footsteps pounded against the otherwise silent halls. The white light was almost blinding against the white ceiling and walls. The echo of the rhythmic footsteps created an otherworldly effect, until they suddenly stopped. A door swung open, and then there was one second of silence. Then chaos endured. People exclaimed:

"Thank you!" with gratefulness in their voices, until the white light of a flare shot through the are and sounded over the din. Then a clamour of, "No, don't" and "We're innocent!" rose up. Inside the door was a series of rooms housing about 30 people. The flare was set on medium, knocking many people unconscious. The remaining people were apprehended by the GIA and put in handcuffs. One asked his commander quietly, 

"Where will they be taken?" 

He replied "You don't have clearance, and even if you did you wouldn't want to know."

On the opposite side of the building, three figures sat around a table for twelve. The tension felt tangible, until someone commented 

"Well, that went better than expected."

He was a tall man, and wore a suit and tie. His hair was greying slightly, and he spoke with confidence in his voice, 

"We've just killed two birds with one stone! Best of all, no one is the wiser."

"Don't get to cocky" replied the second figure. "The project is far from complete, and is going to be delayed by these... unforeseen developments. Her tone was clipped and she spoke briskly. With her formal business clothes and professional air, she was plainly someone who was used to being in charge. The first added 

"How will I know for certain my role in this will not be discovered?"

"Do you have no faith in us?" The lady laughed, but it was far from pleasant, cold and calculating. "We were never here."

She turned to the third figure and asked "The Aconitum?

The third and final figure was dressed in a white lab coat. He was shorter than the other two, and wore glasses. He didn't quite meet the gaze of the second as he replied. "This is almost a gift. It will make a fascinating study to see how the environment affects the progression."

The lady answered sharply "I didn't ask for your opinion. I asked if the ACON are dealt with."

He replied "Just about."

"They must be scattered to the four corners of the earth so they will not be found! It is crucial, and if you can't complete one task I will find someone else to do your job! You were, however, right about one thing. This minor setback is good. We will do what FIG does best: Come back stronger than ever!"

Unknown to them, a fourth person was hearing their conversation. A man stood right outside the door leading into the room, listening carefully. He was wrapped in a black coat, and clutched a briefcase like it was his lifeline. Then, the many slowly left, not to be seen for ten years.

After man in the coat slipped down the hall silently, disappearing like he was never there, the man in the suit walked out, turned a different corner and and sked a man standing in a GIA uniform "Is it done?" He responded 

"Yes, no one suspects a thing." 

Hey y'all! Real quick disclaimer, this prologue is incomplete and really bad writing. Pls just keep reading it gets better I promise!

Catalina and the 31Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora