Mother Knows Best

Start from the beginning

Fumiko: Believe it or not. There were some people I used to work with back then in my younger years betrayed me...Some had reasons why...others did not...


Fumiko: Why bring this up...?

Mikoto: W-Well... Let's just say...One of my classmates turned out to be a traitor...

Fumiko:.....Go on...

Mikoto: After finding out, I'm kind of having problems trusting him. I first, I was disappointed when I found out. I couldn't help but think...why? I thought we were friends. But once I learned their side of the story. He was forced. Forced into a situation where he couldn't get help because if he told anybody...the person he cared about that's being held hostage would die.


Mikoto: I...just find it hard to believe...I want to trust him...but what if he's lying...after all...

"He wasn't the first person to lie to me about being my friend..."



Fumiko: Mikoto...

Mikoto looks at his mother.

Fumiko: Maybe you should follow your heart.

Mikoto: Follow my heart?

Fumiko: You say you don't know whether or not you should trust the person who hurt you. But hearing his side of the story. He was hurt was well and it seemed like he had no choice but to cooperate with the villains. I seen many hostage situations before like this...Even citizens being forced to work for villains and corrupted heroes if their families or friends lives are at stake.

Mikoto: Yeah...

Fumiko: So...I'm saying is...If you want to trust him. Then follow your heart.

Hold on to your truth.

Your faith.

Your peace.

Your You.

Fumiko: Your friends care about you just as they do. But they also have secrets, Mikoto. Sometimes it's best these secrets never come to light. Imagine the driven purposes if those secrets are exposed.

Mikoto: Okay...

Fumiko: So remember...Follow your heart and you go to the right place...I know you can do it. Because you helped inspired your classmates...just like you inspired me...


Fumiko: ....I may have not been supportive mother of you in the past. I have pushed my work and my problems before you...buut I never did stop thinking about you. When I learn you wanted to be your own hero. I was terrified. I wanted to keep you home. Safe with your father. But I never thought about what you felt during all that. I even didn't noticed how the other kids treated you while you were growing for that...I'm sorry...

Mikoto: Mom...

Before Mikoto could say anything to reassure her. Fumiko pull up her hand for him to let her finish.

Fumiko: But...for now on, no matter what occurs between you and the battles you face. Just know...that me and your father will always be cheering you on. Because you are our precious for now on. If you need anything...I, as a mother, will do my absolute hardest to be there for you.

Mikoto: *Smiles* Thanks Mom...


After Fumiko and Mikoto's talk. Hein came back with some tea and crumpets. The three then had a small chat together. Mikoto was glad he actually had this talked with his mother.

Despite knowing a lot about being a hero...

There was so many things for him to learn.

As soon as Fumiko realized visiting hours were over. She hugged her son and bid him goodbye. Promising she'll visit him next month with his father.

Mikoto: (She's right though...)

He looked up at the moon light sky.

A new determination filling his veins erasing away his doubt.

All of his classmates have secrets just like he does...

Lilac hid her secrets. The girl was abused by her parents for the past ten years for having a quirk they never want her to have.

Haru, Akira, Mio, and so many others were bullied.

Souta was treated like the Plague by his family, excluding his older brother Shun. All because of his quirk.

Kenji was an experiment for sick purposes.

Sylvia was abused, tortured, and kidnapped multiple times which led to her having a hard time to trust people.

Yin was the traitor who was forced to give information to the villains. His mother was abused and killed by his villainous father who wanted to break the boy to his will. He thought suicide was his only way out...

And the list goes on...

All of them had problems...

Now that Mikoto noticed, Class 1-C was a barrel full of dark secrets.

If not just Yin...who else could be in pain right now?

All the pain they can't explain to each other...

It will never fade...






Low Self-esteem.


The choices they make...staring into the mirror with themselves to blame.








Mikoto:.....No matter what...I won't turn my back on this. All of us will be heroes one day. We're still worth the the hope of morning.


Mikoto introduced his mother to his class.

Jack: I can't believe you're the Yuki-Onna in person.

Souta: Yeah...I was expected you to be cold-hearted.

Hein: Do be quiet you two.

Luna: Yukimura-san! You're so pretty. What's your secret.

Destiny: Yeah tell us!

For a woman in her late thirties, she looks like she hasn't age a day over twenty.

Fumiko: It's nothing much. The cold keeps my skin more softer.

Sylvia: What was Mikoto-kun like when he was a child.

Fumiko:....I got some baby pictures. Would you all like to check it out?

Class 1-C: YES!

Mikoto: *Embarrassed* NOOOOO!!!

Class 1-C (My Hero Academia Fanfiction) - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now