Chapter Four: Pride For Gryffindor

Start from the beginning

"Class dismissed." McGonagall said from her desk once the bell sounded. I packed up my quill and ink well. As my friends and I got up, I check my schedule and saw that Herbology was next. I didn't love plants but I guess it might be interesting and it was definitely worth a try. 

It was gloomy morning as we walked across the grounds towards the green houses. Our teacher, Professor Sprout and the first year Hufflepuffs stood outside the first green house, waiting. When all the Gryffindors were there, we entered and Sprout told us about the rules. The rest of the class was spent showing us the different plants that we would be working with that year and where all the supplies were. By the time she was finished talking us though the last plant, the period was already over. We all trekked up to the castle and into the Great Hall for lunch.

"Ham and cheese sandwich?" Sirius asked and held out a sandwich. I smiled and took it from him.

"Thanks. Did you like Transfiguration? I thought that McGonagall being an Animagus was pretty cool." I asked him before I took a bite.

"Yeah, it was pretty wicked. I'd love to be able to do that one day." He told me and ate his sandwich. I took a swig of pumpkin juice before taking out my schedule again. I needed to memorize this thing. After lunch we had potions which I was not looking forward too. The subject interested me but first year Gryffindors had it with the Slytherins. Which meant I would be in the same room as Bellatrix and Narcissa. Lucky me.

Once we had finished lunch, my friends and I all walked down to the dungeons and towards the potions room. When we enter the dungeon, I saw Andromeda and walked over to her.

"Hey. How do you like classes so far? And what about Slytherin?" I asked her.

"Oh hey, Ausie. Slytherin has been fine. This is Goldie and Roxanne, they are... friends." She introduced me to a girl with long, curly, blonde hair and hazel eyes and another girl with fair hair and blue eyes. They were both sporting green.

"Hello. Nice to meet you." I said to the girls.

"You too. We should probably sit." Roxanne said and she and Goldie took a seat at the table close to the front. I looked around to see Mackenzie sitting with some girl she met on the train and the rest of the Gryffindor girls paired up. I looked at Andromeda and she and I took a seat together. Just as we sat down, Bellatrix and Narcissa came walking into the dungeon, wearing their Slytherin robes with pride and sporting huge smirks. I rolled my eyes and turned to Andromeda.

"How much detention do you think I'd get if I punched both of them? They are so annoying sometimes." I asked her and she laughed.

"For both of them? They will probably make up some sort of extreme story to get you into a lot of trouble. It might be worth it though, your choice." She told me with a shrug. I thought for a moment.

"What if I just slap them? That won't get me into tons of trouble. Maybe just one or two detentions." I said after a moment. I really wanted to wipe those smirks off their faces.

"I'll pay you five sickles if you slap them. They are my sisters but sometimes I don't know how we are related." Andromeda bet me and I smiled at her.

"Deal. But I have to have a reason to slap them or it will be too obvious." I told her with a smirk of my own.

"Okay that's true. Oh, watch out they're coming this way." She pointed out to me and I looked up and saw my dear cousins walking up to me. I smiled at them, it was now or never.

"Hello Ausie. Bet your parents are going to love that little note you sent them. I enjoyed that howler, you definitely deserved it. I bet you wrote how you would never come home again. Wow, their disgrace of a daughter doesn't want to come home for holidays, they are probably jumping with joy right now." Bellatrix said, trying to provoke me. I took a look at Andromeda and gave her a smile. She replied with a smirk and I turned back to Bella. I smiled at her too and slapped her across the face. She shrieked and jumped back.

"Merlin's beard! Sorry! I just lost control of my arm!" I exclaimed, faking worry. The class howled with laughter. From behind my back I gave Andromeda a high five.

"You filthy blood traitor!" Narcissa yelled. It was enough for me to have a reason to smack her across the face too. Unfortunately, Professor Slughorn chose that time to walk into the room. He had just enough time to see that I had slapped Narcissa.

"Miss Black! We do not touch fellow students! Ten points from Gryffindor. I don't ever want to see you laying a hand on anyone ever again." He told me very sternly and I nodded, hiding my smile and glee.

"Yes sir. It won't happen again, Professor." I told him and turned around. He didn't even give me detention. I smiled and turned to Andromeda.

"Five sickles please." I asked her, holding out my extended hand.

"I can't believe that he didn't even give you detention! You are so lucky." Andromeda said as she reached into her money pouch and gave me the five sickles she promised. After that, Slughorn got on with his lesson and soon enough, it was over. When the bell sounded I jumped up and packed my things, eager to get away from my terrible cousins. What a pain they were.

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