"Wow so they got away from you... thats surprising since you have such an amazing quirk." Kaminari said.

"It doesn't matter now, they got away, I just hope that whatever they stole wasn't that important." I said with a serious tone.

"... Ok lets just let the police and pro's handle that for now... hey I know lets talk about quirks, I know Izumi would cheer up if she knew more about your quirks." Kasumi-chan said, this girl is amazing she always know what to say to remove the tension.

-You guys know their quirks, you know what each of them can do and if not just look it up-

"Wow your quirk is awsome Izumi, it kinda reminds me off Vlad-sensei... but more... powerful." Kirishima said.

"I know right and that power up portion of her quirk, doesn't it kinda reminds you of All Might?" Kaminari said.

"Well kinda but All Might doesn't spark red and green electricity." Kaminari said.

"You guys are totally lucky, you have flash quirks, all I have is my Hardening." Kirishima said.

"I dont see anything wrong with that." Kasumi-chan said.

"Your quirk makes you strong in defensively and offensively, it doesn't matter if its flashy or not, its how you use it is what makes the difference." Kasumi said whle leaning her chin on her hand, she then looks infront of her and she sees the rest of tge class looking at her while Kirishima has a blush on her face.

"Wow Kasumi-chan... thanks for the bote of confidence, I greatly appreciate it." Kirishima said with a large toothy smile.

"D-dont get the wrong idea weird hair, it just gets annoying to hear you keep bad mouthing yourself over something you cant even control, so dont get any weird idea's and dont call me by my name!" She looked away with a blush.

'Just like the Tsundere you are.' I thought to myself as I looked at both Kasumi and Kirishima with a smile.

'I so ship this two so hard... where my KIRIBAKU squad at!" I said

"Izumi please no breaking the 4th wall."

'Oh sorry Author-kun.' I said to the small boice in my head.

"Hey Izumi you ok?" I looked upfront and saw Ochako-chan look at me with a worried look on her face.

"Oh Ochako, sorry I kinda spaced out for a sac. is something wrong?" I asked.

"Aizawa-sensei said he wanted you to announce something." She said.

"Ok thanks Ochako." I then stood up and slowly walked towards the bus, watching each of my steps so I dont fall off.

"Aizawa-sensei, you wanted to see me?" I asked the man in his Yellow cocoon.

"Yes please announce this to your classmates." He said as he handed me a paper.

"Gotcha!" I said as I turned around to face them.

"Guys can you listen up for a sec!" I slightly yelled to get their attention, which luckily I was able to do.

"Thank you, so we are almost to the USJ, there will be a pro hero watching over us so olease be respectful and dont do anything stupid... looking at you Mineta." I said.

"HEY!" He yelled.

"SHUT IT!" I heared Kasumi yell, which instantly shut him up.

"Also All Might will be here to monitor us today so again, everyone be at your best behaviour." I said to all of them.

"Hai!" They all yelled in unison which kinda creeped me out to be honest.

I then returned to my seat and chatted with Kasumi-chan and Tsuyu-chan.

After about 5 mins. we finally arrived on the USJ and my bad feeling still hasn't gone away, we slowly walked out the bus and admired the giants building the same size as the USJ -universal studios Japan'- and slowly walked inside.

As we got inside a pro hero in a space suit like outfit was waiting for us in the entrance.

"Wow its the space hero: No. 13, this is so cool!" Sero-san said in excitement.

"Yeah 13-san is my favourite rescue hero!" Ochako said as she had twinkles in her eyes.

"Hello everyone and welcome to the Unforseen Simulation Joint or the USJ for short, before we begin this training excersise I would like to tell you all 3 things... well 5... no 7... or maybe 10." The pro hero scrambled to get himself sorted out.

"Well that doesn't really matter, I just want to tell all of you that this Training excersise will test your knowledge and capabilities on one of the most important aspects of being a hero... and that is 'Rescue'... as you all know my quirk is called 'Black Hole' it can literally suck up anything in its path, it is a highly dangerous quirk... but I made it my own, you see no matter how useless or useful your quirk is it doesn't really matter if you dont have the drive to help others, so I hope this training excersise will help you learn what it truly means to be a hero." No. 13 said as we all began to clap.

"Hey 13-sensei... where is All Might, isn't he supposed to be here with us?" I asked.

"Yeah where is he?" Aizawa-sensei asked.

"He is still outside the school, you know how he is, he just can not help but help others." 13-san said.

"-sigh- Very well he can just catch up, ok everyone we are go-" He was cut off by Kirishima yelling.


I looked below and saw a bunch of villains pouring out of a... purple mist portal... oh god no.

"Those aren't fake villains... I recognise that portal its what took those thugs away... sensei!" I called out.

"I know 13 keep them safe, I'm going in." Sensei said as he placed his goggles on his eyes.

"Sensei let me help." I said to him.

"Out of the question." He said.

"Listen I know you can handle them but having something watch your back is a very good thing to have, so please let me help you." I said.

"... Very well but you stay close to me and keep your blood armour on, it the situation gets dangerous I want you to go back ok." He said.

I then cut my palm and let my blood flow into my body as it formed my blood red armour.

"yEs SenSEi!" I said.

"Ok... follow my lead." He jumped down into the giant crowd of villains.

"KaSUmI YoUr IncHArGe, KeEP ThEM SaFe!" I said as I jumped down with sensei.

"Gotcha!" I heared he yell.

Ok its time to let th carnage begin!

And done hope y'all like it, tell me if you did.

MigyTheWorld out PEACE!

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