Chapter 02

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Chapter 02

Sorry for te late update and for the mistakes. english is not my first lnguage so it happens. Sorry again. Please read the A.N.

We arrived at my house, which was pretty simple. It was a white two story house with a small front yard and a bigger one in the back of the house. My parents weren’t home so I didn’t have to worry about explaining the whole situation to them. I don’t think they would react in a good way. Anyways, I unlocked the door and let Jason in and closed it just behind me.

“Okay… so you could go to the living room and I’ll be there in a moment. Just make yourself comfortable.”

“Uh… where is the living room?”

“Sorry… it’s over there.” I said as I pointed to the door on the left side.

Jason went to the living room while I went searching for something to take care of those cuts. You know I don’t really like series which involves blood or dead people so I don’t really know how to take care of those wounds… oh and I  don´t even know where in hell is the first aid kit so a point for me.

I searched everywhere but it was nowhere to be seen. When I was ready to give up and tell Jason I didn’t know where the kit was and that we would have to go to the hospital something popped in my head. Mum had told me that she usually kept that kind of stuff in her room so if something happens it’s easier for her.

I ran upstairs again and found the kit and headed to the living room. When I entered the room Jason was lying on the couch like he owned the place while watching TV. Well I had told him to make himself comfortable but this was just too much.

“Uhm… I found the first aid kit…”


This was extremely awkward, none of us knew exactly what to do. I didn’t want to take care of those cuts because I was kind of afraid I would hurt him. Well, I had told him that I would take care of it so I had to do it.

“Okay, so I’m going to take care of your wounds but if I hurt you say something …”

“Go ahead” He just sat on the couch and turned his face to the side so that I could have a better view of it. The cuts weren’t too deep but nevertheless it had a lot of blood. I took a gauze from the kit and started cleaning his face. It wasn’t that hard and I managed to do that without hurting him. When I was done I could finally see his face and I have to tell you-he was handsome. He had light blue eyes and brown hair. His eyes were what most captivated me, they were so blue. They looked like the sky in the summer.

Suddenly Jason cleared his throat and I realised I’ve been staring at his eyes for so tong that probably he thought I was some sort of creep.

“Uh…Uhm… your face is done… ”


“So…” I didn’t know what to do I think I was still too embarrassed from being caught staring.

“Yeah… I should probably go… you know… but thanks again”

“You sure you’ll be alright?” Where did this came from?

“Yeah don’t worry I’ll be just fine”

“I really think you should go to the hospital, you have a lot of blood on your shirt…”

Jason looked down at his shirt. His face turned white as if he had just seen a ghost.

“Oh shit shit shit! This can’t be happening… no…” This must be serious he looks like too stressed.

“It’s everything okay?”

“No!” he snapped “Sorry I didn’t mean to say it like that. It’s just that I had this big cut in my ribcage and I think the blood it’s coming from there”

“Now you have to go to the hospital. You’re blooding too much from a previous wound and although I’m not an expert I know this is not good. You need to get that check from someone who can help and not just me that didn’t even know how to take care of your face!”

“I can’t go there!”

“But you have to. And I know I’ve known you for like two hours but I’m not going to let you get that infected so let’s go to the hospital!” Now I was irritated. I don’t like when people don’t do what I tell them to do.

“I’ve said I’m not going!”

“Fine, whatever. Let me see it.”

Jason started to pull his shirt over his head and I could just think of what I got myself into. I’m not comfortable around guys and it’s even worse when they’re shirtless. I was panicking and I could feel my face heating up. This was not god, not good at all.

He laid on the couch so that I could see his cut. It was actually pretty big-from his chest to his stomach- and there was too much blood.

“How did you get this?”

“None of your business”

Okay, no need to be defensive, I was just asking.

I had heard that when you have a big cut or wound you should apply pressure so that was what I did. I went to the kitchen to get some old cloth so that I wouldn’t get blood on my hands.

Back in the living room Jason had his eyes closed as if he was bottling the pain I assumed was caused by the cut. I put the old cloth over the cut and applied some pressure. After a while the cloth (which was white) was already red from Jason’s blood and I started to panic again. I didn’t deal well with blood so it was normal.

I started to feel kinda dizzy and I could see black dots in my vison. Things started to be blurry.

“Hey MJ are you okay?”

It was the last thing that I heard before everything went black.

A.N. Yeah I know it took forever to update and I'm really sory for that. I don't know if i should keep writting this story because i don't know if you like it or not but thanks to the people how read my story and PLEASE comment.

Other thing I decided I want a cast to the story so i thouht about:

Chace Crawford as Jason

Christie Burke as MJ

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2014 ⏰

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