My Dear Stranger

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Hi this is the first story i write and I hope you like it. This is just the first chapter. Enjoy it!


Chapter 01

You know that mood when you don´t feel like talking because you think no one would understand you, well that´s how I´m feeling right know. My life sucked. I have great grades, I have friends and I have a lovely family who love me…. Yeah, you must be thinking that this is not a sucker life at all but sometimes I can be a little dramatic so don´t blame me. What is not so perfect in my live is my relationship with guys. I have friends that are guys of course but I mean like real relationships.

I was in such bad mood because a boy (of course), and I don´t know why boys seemed to like hurting girl like me.

This afternoon I was with my friends at school talking about random things when someone yelled my name. I turned my head to face the hottest guy from my class. He had big green eyes and a messy but sexy brown hair. (To confess I had a crush on him forever) My heart stopped and I could feel my cheeks blushing.

“So I heard that you had a crush on me and guess what-”

“Wha-What? You told you that?” I could feel my knees shaking. What would I do??? It was true but I couldn’t admit it I would never be capable to look at him again.

“It doesn´t matter. I just wanted to tell you how much” he held my head with is hands and looked right deep into my eyes with those big green eyes of his. OH MY GOD was he going to kiss me? I was so fucking nervous. I closed my eyes hoping he kissed me but he just back of and in that moment I realised how stupid and desperate I looked. “I´m going to make so much fun of you about this. I know I’m hot maybe the hottest guy you´ve ever met but PLEASE have you ever looked at you… you really thought I was going to kiss you? You’re just to-” I lost my nerve and I slapped him and ran away crying like a big baby.

And that´s how I got in this bad mood. I opened my computer to check my e-mail and other stuff when I found a message from my best friend Grace.

I can´t believe you did that MJ!!!!! You know you´re going to suffer tomorrow when you come back to school don’t you? Josh is going to kill you!! Good luck and don’t forget I’m here for you ;) Love you BFF.

I hadn’t even thought of going back to school tomorrow so I decided to call Grace. We talks for about two hours about how could I even think of going back to school and how I was going to be capable of facing Josh.

By the time mom got home I was already eating like if the world was going to end tomorrow so she understood something was wrong. She started talking about how I could tell her everything and that I would feel better if I did but I just ignored her.

I finished my meal and went upstairs to my room as she wasn’t even there. As soon as I was on bed a fell asleep but not to some sweet dreamland but to my night about what happened and how my day could be tomorrow. 


The night was becoming true everyone at my school looked at me laughing and making fun of me right in front of me and then it became even worst, Josh showed up in front of me all funny and sexy.

“So MJ you came to school. Just to see me? How sweet of you”


“She can’t even speak” He held my shin with one hand and got his face closer and closer to mine.

“Back of?” My voice sounded more like a question than an order and I felt bad about it.

“Ow! And if I don’t back of what you going to do? Slap me and then run away crying like a big baby?”

“Back of!” This time my voice sounded just like I wanted though I had to focus on it because I was just 5 cm away Josh’s mouth and I had to control myself even if I was mad at him because of what he’d done to me but I liked him so don’t blame me.

I left as soon as the bell rang and I started walking home. While I was walking home a saw something that made me stop. A guy was being beaten up by a bunch of guys that were clearly older than him. I stared at the situation and decided that I had to help the poor boy who was almost unconscious. I walked to the guys and started yelling at the like a crazy mother.

“What the hell are you doing? Stay away from him. You’re going to kill him!” The boys stopped and stared at me while they were getting closer. They are going to kill you. RUN! I couldn’t move and they were getting closer and closer.

“What did you just said?”

I was starting to walk backwards when.

“Leave her alone!” The boy on the floor whispered as he couldn’t speak louder.

“Always a gentleman aren’t you Jason? Even when it’s to impress other guys girlfriends and steal them!”

“I told you I don’t like her.”

“Yeah you’ve told that but she dumped me because of you so I’m going to kill you!”

Before I could think I put myself between Jason, who was barely bagging to stop, and the other. What’s wrong with me? Do I have a dead wish? Why did I do this? I pushed the guy away from Jason (a guy that I’ve known for ten minutes) and then they left.

I helped Jason to stand up and present myself.

“Hi I’m MJ and I know that you are Jason. You should go to the hospi-”

“No way I’m going to the hospital and stay away from me I don’t know you!”

“I’m just trying to help you, okay? And if you don’t want to go to the hospital I’m taking you to my house to take care of those wounds.” You may think I’ve lost my mind I didn’t even knew the guy but you’d have understood if you’ve seen him. He was a mess.

“I’m not going with you. You could be a serial killer or something like that!”

“Yes, I’m a serial killer and I live in a haunted house with my grandpa, who is Santa Claus!”

“Okay I’ll go with you but just because you basically saved me from those bad boys.”

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