14. Scarlett's advice.

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Soundtrack: I can't fall in love without you - Zara Larsson

I can be out every night
No one else holding me down
I can do just what I like
But I can't fall in love without you


Private messages: With Scarry Jo🕷
Sunday, 8:30am.

Little Sad Witch
Scarlett. Something happened.

Scarry Jo🕷
What? what's wrong?

Little Sad Witch
Grace and I arent talking anymore, like we've decided to cut contact with each other altogether.

Scarry Jo 🕷
what? Why?!? We were all shipping you together.

Little Sad Witch
Why were you shipping us together? wait, what do you mean "we were all"- as in collective pronoun?

Scarry Jo🕷
yeah, like the whole marvel cast. You guys looked so good together. Anyways how are you feeling? and again, why did you girls decide to stop talking?

Little Sad Witch
Well she wanted us to be in a relationship and I didn't because I don't see her in that way. Long story short, she was struggling to be around me and said that the best thing to do was stop seeing each other altogether, atleast up untill filming.
I don't know how I'm feeling, like I'm so used to hanging out with her, that I have no idea what to do now. This only happened last night, but I was kinda sad not to have my phone blowing up with her early morning texts.

Scarry Jo 🕷
Well, why don't you want to date her? is it because you know for a fact that your straight? or is it just that you haven't given it any thought?

Little Sad Witch
Well I always thought I was stright, but now that I think of it, I'm not so sure anymore. And yeah it is because I haven't really given it much thought.

Scarry Jo 🕷
That's what I thought, I mean the way you act around her; You're completely different. You follow her and she follows you. It was like you were already in a relationship, you were practically head over heels for her and you didn't even know.

Little Sad Witch
I didn't realise I acted different.

Scarry Jo 🕷
oh honey, we all knew. We thought you were already secretly dating and just didn't want to tell us.

Little Sad Witch
Was it that obvious?

Scarry Jo 🕷
Yes. You love her and not just in a friend way.

Little Sad Witch
what do I do?

Scarry Jo🕷
I think you need to decide that for yourself. Maybe take some time off and seriously think about it because you don't want to hurt Grace again.

Little Sad Witch
Yeah, okay. I think I might go see my sisters.

Scarry Jo🕷
I hope it goes well. The A team is rooting for you.

Little Sad Witch

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