23. it's definitely bad

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Soundtrack: Sorry - Halsey

I run away when things are good
And never really understood
The way you laid your eyes on me
In ways that no one ever could
And so it seems I broke your heart
My ignorance has struck again
I failed to see it from the start
And tore you open 'til the end


Group Messages: With The A Team

[Scarry Jo has removed Little Sad Witch from the chat]

Scarry Jo
okay, it's definitely bad.

America's ass
What did you guys do?

Scarry Jo
Nothing much, I tried asking her about her feelings but she kept shutting me down whenever we got on the topic of Grace. She's also very quiet, she isn't talking as much anymore.
Her house is a mess and it seems like she's just been coupped up in her room watching movies and probably crying.

Baby Spider
Maybe we should get Lizzie some professional help too

Scarry Jo
I mean, it's only been a week since she's been like this, is that really necessary? Grace had been in a bad place for just under two months.

let's hold off on the councelling for now but if she's not better by next week than we should seriously consider it.

If Grace is in a better place now, do you think that she's going want to see Lizzie.

Scarry Jo
I guess she would, Let me go ask Amber though.
Head's up, apparently the first thing Grace is going to do is go to Lizzie and appologise. She and her councillor had been discussing ways to deal with pain and how the best way to do that is face it head on.

Tom Holland
when does her plane arrive?

scarry Jo
In like 4 hours.

America's Ass
at this point, I think we have to just sit back and watch what comes out of thier 'meet up'

Scarry Jo
This could literally go to completely different ways; either bring them together or sever things once and for all.

[Scarry jo added Little Sad witch into the chat]

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