"Where is Marinette?" Gabriel asked.

"She had to tell Nathalie something about catering in Shanghai, she'll be here in a minute.

Gabriel nodded thoughtfully before looking back at the organised chaos that was his work table. Adrien came around to look at the designs and samples. He thought they didn't look too bad, although he could tell they weren't Marinette's or his father's designs.

"Is this the plans for spring next year?" Gabriel nodded his head, but Adrien could see something was amiss. "You're not happy with it?" The elder Agreste shook his head wordlessly as Marinette breezed into the room.

"Sorry, had to talk to Nathalie. How are you today Gabriel, your looking well." Without skipping a beat, she wrapped her arms around Adrien's father giving him a warm hug. Adrien could see the corners of a smile on his father's face as he returned the embrace and it warmed his heart. Marinette turned and looked at the samples on the table.

"What's this?" She queried, picking up a sketch and the sample that was attached. "This looks all kinds of wrong. The colours and the feel of the fabric doesn't suit the design at all!" She studied the designs before a flash of inspiration hit. "Wait, I'll be right back." Adrien and Gabriel watched silently as she left the room. Adrien looked back at his father with an eyebrow raised. He was testing her, Adrien was sure of it.

"You might have business brains son, but you don't know the first thing about designing." Gabriel responded flatly to the unsaid question. There was no malice in his words, and Adrien took no offence because he knew it was true.

A moment later, Marinette came back in with one of the bags she had brought with her. Pulling out a fabric sample, she held it up to the sketch. "Yes," She exclaimed excitedly. "Look how much better this would be, but that belt needs to go, it totally breaks the flow of the dress."

"My thoughts exactly Marinette." A small smile of satisfaction softened his face. He looked up at Adrien with a knowing nod. To Gabriel, Marinette wasn't just a student or an intern, she was his protégé. More importantly, she would be the one by his son's side. While Adrien was set to take over the running of the business, it was Marinette that Gabriel was relying on to take his creative vision forward. She was steady, she was rational and he hoped that her sensible Ladybug side that he had gotten to know over the last few months would curb his son's impulsive Chat Noir side. He also wasn't sure how much more time he had. Truthfully, he was a little surprised to still be alive, although he knew his days were numbered. Knowing that Marinette and her parents would be there for Adrien after he was gone was a great comfort to him, and one he would protect. They were a team after all, and Gabriel knew they would always work best in tandem.

"Now to other matters, I'm sending you both to the opening of the new Shanghai store." Marinette and Adrien almost jumped with excitement. "Now it's not all fun I'm afraid, there is an opening gala you must attend which will include a runway of the winter line. Marinette, your Winter Wonderland dress will be the showcase piece." Marinette could hardly contain herself throwing her arms around Adrien. Her design would walk on an international stage. Gabriel smiled to himself to see her enthusiasm. It reminded him of when he was a young designer, getting his first break.

"Oh and Adrien. The investors have asked for you to walk in the showcase finale. They believe your status as a model will help solidify their position." Gabriel looked down and away. "I know you didn't want to model, but it would mean a lot to the company and..." Adrien cut him off with a hand on his shoulder.

"It's fine Father. You know I'll always be available when it comes to Marinette's designs." Gabriel gave a small smile of appreciation.

"And don't worry, there will be some leisure time too. Adrien, you should make sure to take Marinette to see some of the sights, maybe take her to dinner." Adrien could follow his father's less than subtle hint and nodded with enthusiasm, his mind already began to race through the possibilities. "You two better run along now. I'm sure Marinette's parents will be happy to hear the news." Before leaving, Marinette took Gabriel by the hand. Once such an action would have startled him, but he was slowly becoming more accustomed to the affection that Marinette shows to him.

"Are you sure you won't come to dinner. You know my parents wouldn't mind." Gabriel patted her hair affectionately.

"Thank you Marinette, but I'm feeling quite tired now. Perhaps another time."

Nathalie entered as Adrien and Marinette exited the room, hand in hand chatting excitedly. "Book the plane Nathalie, they will both be going." Nathalie jotted down a quick note to herself as Gabriel made his way to sit on his bed. After he had begun to become more unsteady on his feet and after a recent fall, Nathalie insisted he start using a walking stick. Initially it concerned him that it was too much like Hawk Moth and only relented when she bought him one that was very ornate and smothered him with flattery about how distinguished it made him look. Even Gabriel Agreste needs his ego rubbed now and again. His loyal and faithful assistant followed sitting next to him.

"You know you can't avoid Marinette's family forever." As always Nathalie could read him perfectly. After Emilie died, he wondered how he would have ever managed without her. Gabriel took her hand in his.

"I know Nathalie. I guess it's just the guilt of everything I put Marinette, well Ladybug, through. But I'm putting a plan in place while they are away to try and fix some of these mistakes." He turned and looked at Natalie earnestly. "I threw away that letter I wrote to Adrien after the heart attack. I don't ever want him to know the truth about Hawk Moth or Mayura." Nathalie looked at him with surprise, but said nothing. "I realised that, up until recently I didn't really know my son at all. I know Adrien well enough now to know that he would internalise that kind of revelation. I won't do anything to jeopardize his relationship with Marinette."

"Do you really think it could?" Gabriel looked down at his hand that held Nathalie's.

"Guilt by association can be a powerful thing Nathalie. He won't mean to, but he could push her away thinking he is no longer good enough for her, or blame himself in some way. I won't risk that. He's a sensitive soul, just like his mother. He needs Marinette in his life and I need grandchildren to carry this company on. I owe that much to Emilie." He lifted Nathalie's hand, gently pressing a kiss to the back of it. "Will you help me, this one last time?" Nathalie brought her other hand over the top of his.

"Will you promise me you will go to the next dinner at the Dupain-Cheng house?"

"Will you come with me?" He counted, receiving a smile and a nod in return.

Until I Make You Mineحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن