Day 2 Of Bet

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Akko POV

I got up from my bed and looked at the calendar 'please,please,please,please say that I've slept through the bet PLEASE WHAT EVER GODS ARE OUT THERE'.I cried in my head as i got up and made my way to the shower.I washed up and put on my uniform.

Once i walked into the kitchen i knew that Andrew was going to say something about the bet so i prepared for it by placing the books i need to study on the table before Andrew gets up. I smirked to myself.

"Why are you smirking?"  I heard a deep voice behind me and recognized it on the spot  'Oh shit is Andrew behind me ........AGAIN' Instead of turning around to my inevitable doom i just shrugged hoping he would drop it.I was Incorrect.

"Akko ,You still haven't answered what are you smirking for" He repeated about 3 times before i turned around with a face that says I-want-to-murder-you-but-dont-want-to-show-it kinda face the one where your smiling but your eyes say 'die in a hole'. All he did was smirk and chuckle at me while backing away. I turned back to my studies 'Studies jeez im surely becoming like Andrew over here' I thought to my self as i started opening One Of the books to animal languages. By the time i had finished the book i had realized That i only had 30 minutes to get ready for the day including taking a shower and making my Breakfast.






I got up quickly forgetting or more like ignoring that all my books are on the table and rushed into my room locked the door and started to take a shower as quickly and affectedly as possible. Once i was out i started to put on my uniform  While at the same time drying my hair.In a bit of a rush i castes out a spell to help me,One of my towels floated from the bathroom and started to dry out my hair while i was putting on my uniform.By the time i was done Fixing my Belt i noticed that the towel didn't stop drying my hair.In fact it was starting to rub my hair incredibly fast.It's yanking my hair.'IS THAT SMOKE'. 

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. HELP MEEEEE" I started to cry out in pain as to towel wouldn't stop rubbing and pulling i must have said something wrong It took me 5 minutes or crying and screaming while trying to pull away for this spell to fade off.By that time my hair had fluffed up in a curly mess. I realized i only have 1 more minutes Before school started and I still need breakfast and to fix my hair.

I grab a brush and start fixing my Hair while walking into the living room to make my food i turn and see Andrew sitting on the couch with headphones in listening to something Sipping on Tea.   'While i was screaming my head off Turing away from magic while pretty much ruining my room he as here sipping tea listening to what ever enjoying his life"

I roll my eyes and filled my cheeks with air to prevent me saying something i don't mean and i headed out of the dorm room.

Andrew POV

I wake up earlier than Akko. When i checked the time it was about 5 in the morning, Ignoring my screaming muscles telling me to lay back down for another hour or so i get up and run a bath. My thought was that It'll help me wake up properly and i have enough time to do so. I go into the bath room Swing the shower curtain up and around the pole that hold it up high and start to run hot water. I turn around to go and get my uniform/Outfit for the day. Which consists of a dark blue Suit. My father calls it normal wear but all i see is a restricting Uniform i must wear everyday In side and outside my own home.I look at the suit once more and nearly throw it across the room for he made me start wearing these at the age of 8.

'Wait, I'm not in the prison that i'm forced to call home i'm here why do i have to follow rule that don't apply under a roof given to me'  I almost Bust out smiling to my self until i remembered i still have to go to school and keep up the perfect image my father has Made for me. In light of that i take the suit and walk into the bathroom once more. The bath is full.

Time skip (Because i get flustered easily)

I had sat in the bath for about 30 minutes, Before realizing if i stayed any longer i would to lose tract of time and prune up i get our and cloth myself by that time it was already 6:55. Usually around this time Akko would start to wake up and i'd already be studying but Due to the bet that we had made I had a lot of time on my hands so i decided to Take out a book that i was in the middle of reading before i had arrived at Luna Nova And sit on the couch 5 more minutes passed and Akko had just waken up and my stomach growled at me for not feeding it sooner so i got up and started to put on a pot of tea along with some toast waiting for is signal each one was finished. As i was waiting i saw in the corner of my eye Akko had come out of her room with her books in which she Quickly started working on. I turn towards her and see a small smirk on her face.

I walk behind her and rest my arms on the back of the couch and looking over her shoulder to see maybe shes smirking at a text or maybe she thought she could sneak or get away with something , But all i saw was Spells what they do,How to cast them,What happens if casted incorrectly so one and so fourth.

"Why are you smirking?" I asked her ,All she did was shrug thinking that would be the end of it.But due to the lack of productive things for me to do my curiosity and the want to tease her grew and so i asked her "Akko ,You still haven't answered what are you smirking for" I repeated the question over and over again and until she gave me the death smile at least that's what i'm calling it.I Chuckled and backed up and 3 reasons. First that reaction was cute and funny.I heard my toast pop and the water boil telling me that it was ready, And messing with a girl who has access to magic and can turn you into things on accident was something i was not going to play around with if i wanted to stay a full human being . 

I finished making my breakfast and saw Akko look up at the clock and freak out running into her room locking the door. I saw on the clock that we only had about 30 minutes to get ready for school. With that in mind i put down my breakfast on the coffee table and went into my room to pack up my items for the day All of my homework completed and ready to go in my backpack.By the time i was done about 10 minutes had passed I grabbed my head phones thinking that some music couldn't hurt plugged them in turn them up walked back to my food and started eating. I Once i had Finished my toast i layed back into the couch Closing my eyes and occasionally sipping my tea for it was still hot. In the background i heard something Muffled but ignored it and enjoyed myself anyways.

About 15 minutes later I heard Akko's door open and close. And then i felt a glare my way i ignored it not knowing what was going on or what happened and not wanting to know either. I sipped some of the last of my tea until i opened my eyes and saw akko with a brush brushing her hair out Leaving.Realizing that if she leaves with out me and someone noticed were both in big trouble i run into my room and out the door locking and towards and slowly fleeing Akko.

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