A trip and His mind

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Andrew POV

I agreed without even thinking, I turn my head away from Akko, Hoping she didn't Notice my slowly Rising Heat on my cheeks. But It went Unnoticed By Akko As she Jumps around in Glory, Running to her room soon probably to get ready.

'Cute' Shaking my head at her Antic, as I soon hear Multiple things Topple over, Getting up worried knowing Akko could've knocked herself out, before I could even open the door I hear a loud

"IM FINE" I let out a sigh and walk back into my small space of solace.

Finding it hard to focus back on my book, as I can hear the Trouble Akko is making within her room.I finally get up to check on the clumsy Witch herself, Knocking on her door and waiting for her to answer only to wait for another 3 minutes. Before I'm able to knock again a Messy witch opens the door in a hurry, Only sticking her head out. The rest of her body unseen  as she seems to hide behind the door while blocking something else.

"Akko, What is in the room?" I ask, she only Smile awkwardly at me and gives me a nervous laugh. I do not need to be around her for long to know that she used and Failed magic and what ever is behind that door is the creation of mass destruction.

"I WANT IN" A Scratchy Inhuman voice had said and finally the door of the room was throw off it hinges while also Pushing Akko towards me.

Wrapping my arms around akko and adjusting her within my hold. I take a moment to look up at what she was hiding only to find a Blue like blob ,Now purple, and Green. The colors keep changing.

Despite the drastic color change with this creature i notice one thing ,The look of pure pain written across it's face.
I look down at akko to see she eyeing the creature will guilt and an always smile in which tells me that she is the reason for it's existence.

"What, Is this thing.?" i say streaky as i look down.
"Į WÆÑT Įñ!!!!" It screech and Lunge at akko and i. I rushed to Pull akko and dash but the Creature had already pinned me down.

Splitting itself in two as one goes for akko. Instead of fighting it off. It melts into my skin.

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