Day one of bet

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Akko POV

I jumped out of bed and changed into my school clothes, I was smiling brightly and walking out of my room to see Andrew standing in the kitchen making a cup of coffee, He turned to me and said "What are you smiling about you need to study all though out the day Akko remember the bet" I heard that and my face dropped, I completely forgot about it and I turn back and walk to my room I grabbed my text books for my witching classes and started studying them at the coffee table. This is going to be a long day for me. I Started reading the text silently and I didn't notice the creeping Andrew behind me as I was reading up till he said "I didn't think you would actually do your part of the deal Akko" I flinched and turn to him by that time I just processed what he said to me "I Always stand by my word how dare you underestimate me Andrew" I said puffing my cheeks out and turning back to the book in my hand. As I tried to turn my attention back to the book I heard a faint chuckle behind me. My face turned a light shade of pink and I left the air and my cheeks go as I go back to reading my book.

By the time I'm finished reading them all its time for me to go to class I walk out of the dormitory with Andrew right beside me. We take different turns because The witch part of the school is on the right and His school is on the left. As I walk into the building I spot my 2 best friends and I call them out "Lotte Suzie Over here" I wave my hand and run over to them. Lotte smiles sweetly and give me a small one arm hug and suzie look mildly impressed. "Wow Akko I didn't know you would study at all" Suzie said while pointing at my Books in hand. I blush lightly and try to make up an excuse "Haha... Yeah I didn't want to fail or get close to failing like last time ya know so I studied." I said while rubbing the back of my head with my one free arm.


The bell goes off and me and my friends where chatting on our way to class.

Though out the day I got every thing correct and I understood everything being that they teachers are Telling us . Maybe I should study more often because I finally understand most of what they are talking about.

Andrew POV

I walk out into the main room I was about to grab a book and go over my work like usual but then I remembered the little bet we made yesterday and turned the other way 'Im not going to lose to her no way' I thought to my self as I walked over to the the kitchen and started to make myself some coffee and toast the toast was finished before the coffee so I ate that first and just waited for the coffee to be done. As I'm waiting I hear a shuffle of clothes and the shower being turned on I take it that Akko is finally Awake. I close my eyes for a quick minute just to gather my thoughts and make sure in my mind I remember if I put all of my work and books into my bag for todays classes.


Math -Check

Reading -Check





I've got everything that I need for the day and when I open by I eyes my coffee is ready I take it out and pour it in to and mug and adding a few things into it as im doing so I ear footsteps and I turn around to see Akko smiling

'As much as I would hate to ruin that cute smile I dont think she remembers what she agreed to' I thought So I said "What are you smiling about you need to study all though out the day Akko remember the bet" Her smile was gone it was replaced with a frown and watching that hurt my soul, But before she could she my conflict and turn back towards the coffee. I picked up the coffee mug and turned around to see Akko Studying. I was surprised and walk up behind her I dont think she has noticed me though."I didn't think you would actually do your part of the deal Akko" I said she flinched for a second and turned around and said to me."I Always stand by my word how dare you underestimate me Andrew" She said and puffed out her cheeks and turned back to the book in her hands 'She looks like a little bunny with Food in its cheeks' I chuckle to myself. and turn around to my room and gather all my things and put it at the front door. I start drinking my coffee while watching Akko try her hardest to memorize every word in that book as time goes on she seemed to get though all off them very quickly. By the time she was finished I had already washed out my cup and put it away already though. We grabbed our stuff and make our way out of the dormitory. Side by side

'why do we have separate buildings I dont understand is witch craft dangerous or something like honestly I dont understand why we have to separate. On my god' I though to my self I just relisted I might have feelings for Akko and slight blush crept on my face

Thought out the day my mind was occuplied by Akko although I didn't let that get in the way of my work.

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