Chapter 32: Bath Time

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"I said I want to Bathe with you Master!"
"I-I got that part but why and how and and and whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-"
"Shhhh Master don't worry! Nothing too naughty will happen yet! We're just going to have a little splish splash is all!"
"Here! I found these swimming shorts for you to wear. Get changed here near the door while I run the bath. And don't worry, I won't peak!"
You took the shorts as Chloe skipped towards the tub, her soft humming made you feel at a strange sort of ease. You backed into a corner and started to undress, with your back to the bath and Chloe. What you didn't realise was that Chloe, while making sure the water was at just the right temperature, fought hard to not see you undress. For a brief second, her rebellion broke and she glanced a quick stare at you, before looking swiftly back at the water. She had seen you take off your shirt and flex your muscular biceps and back, making her blush madly.

You made sure the shorts were fitted on well before turning back around. Chloe was sat on the floor swishing the water around with the tap turned off. It gleamed like a tropical ocean, a bi-product of Chloe's care, love and attention put into it. She was still bent over the bathtub making sure the temperature was perfect, allowing you to admire her small and sexy figure. You blushed and tried to look away, but you were tantalised as her small butt wiggled from side to side; tail swishing in motion. You saw it disappear from view and be replaced by a pair of small bare feet. You slowly moved your eyes up along her body to see her staring at you with a sexy smirk
"(Ohhhhhhhh No!)"
"Maaaasssstteeeeeeerrrr where were you loooookiiiing?"
"(OHHHHHHHHHHH NONONO!) Umm...I was just....looking at your tail...."
"Are you sure that was the only thing you were looking at Maaaaaaaster?"
She giggled and looked into your eyes once again with her soft ocean blue ones
"Well Master, I think you were looking at my little tushie!"
She giggled once again and grasped your hand gently "Well, you're going to need to be punished now aren't you Master?"
"Y-Yes...I'm so sorry Chloe..."
"Aww don't worry Master I never said I didn't like it, but you still need to be punished!"
"Y-Yeah...I know what you mean..."
"Now, get in the bath"
"Yes Ma'am"
You climbed into the tub, it's water feeling divine on your tired skin. You sat up with your legs reaching the end of the bath and wondered how Chloe was going to get into the bath
"Now Master, the reason your being because I need you to be my pillow!"
Before you even had a heartbeat of time to react she jumped into the bath and landed onto your stomach/crotch with a loud splash. The water hit your face and it submerged for a moment before bobbing back up and seeing a wet tail swaying back and forth seductively. You sat up and saw that she had sat directly on your lap once again. She smiled a devilish grin and wiggled her butt around, and giggled as she felt a firm, gentle rod caress the bottom half of her two-piece sleek black bikini
"Ooh, feels like Master likes being my pillow. You're supposed to be punished, you naughty boy!"
"C-Chloe...What has gotten into you???"
"Hehe, what do you mean Maaaster?"
"You've been acting really lewd lately Chloe, why is that?"
"I mean...Well...I do want to please you after you saved me the other day...and well...mating season is coming up soon so I need to make sure that I'm a good mate for you..."


"So....I....we're not going to mate Master?"
"No Chloe, you and I are not going to mate, at least this season"
"What about the next?"
"I don't know, about we just focus on bathing right now ok baby girl?"
"Well...Ok then!"
You chuckled and patted her small head, which made her release a cute purr that warmed your heart. You wrapped your arms around her small stomach and pulled her close, letting her small body envelop yours
" feel so"
"And your"
You cuddle in the warmth of the bath for a few minutes before she gets up and turns to you; wagging her tail with excitement
"Master! I got a great idea!"
"What is it?"
"Let's bathe each other!"
"O-oh! That....sounds quite nice actually...."
"I knew you'd like it!"
You reached over and grabbed some shampoo and body wash, along with a sponge. Chloe took the shampoo and squirted out a fair portion
"Now Master, I need you to get your hair wet"
You nod and submerge yourself underwater for a few moments before rising back up again. Chloe giggles and sits in your lap and starts to wash your hair; her purrs and careful groping implying that she is enjoying the sensation. You stealthily steal a kiss from her while she's distracted, which makes her jump, recoil, smile, giggle and return the favour.
"Ok Master, We're done!"
"Ok then Chloe, you wanna soak it?"
"But now? There's no cups or anything to pour over your head!"
"No silly, you gotta push my head down and then lift me back up"
"W-What?? But why would I do that?!"
"A exercise"
Chloe blushes and looks away from your rich (EC) eyes
"Y-you trust me? You trust me enough for me to do something as...dangerous as this?"
"I do my little Neko. Now, whatcha waiting for?"
A bright smile springs across her face as she gets onto your lap once again. She puts both her soft, small hands on your smooth chest and lightly pushes downward. You give no resistance and hold your breath before you submerge under the warm bathwater.

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