Chapter 21: Ceri the Ice Queen

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(Isaac's POV)
Valerie and I had just finished going down the spiralling staircase, only to be met with a wooden door. When opened we saw that looked to be a very large spherical room. There seemed to be a variety of books,scrolls, potions and ingredients scattered around in varying degrees of cleanliness. As Valerie went over to check the books and scrolls I had myself a look at the many different potions and ingredients. I saw a strange elixir that said "confidence potion", which then made me realise I needed to talk to Valerie about what happened this morning. I straightened myself up and walked over to her. She seemed to be humming to a very soft and warm tune.
"Hey Val...there's something I've been meaning to ask you"
"What's up?" Said the blue eyes sorceress
("Jesus Christ why does she need to look so incredibly cute at a moment like this?") " asked us today why we were acting so weird, correct?"
She looked away in thought for a moment before smiling back at me and nodding "mmh hmm!"
" see..." I felt sweat leak from every word "when I had woken up in the morning...I felt something else in my bed. Very soft, almost like a pillow"
She nodded at me, intrigued by my choice of words "ya huh"
"I thought it was a succubus and prepared myself to grab BeastBurner, but I wanted to see who it was first"
I saw Val start to get nervous herself, but not the type of nervousness one would get for being found out.
"It turns out the person sleeping in my bed...was you.." I say, barley whispering the last part. Her entire face immediately went red and stopped dead in her tracks. She covered her face with her hands and slowly started to sob. I stood there like an idiot, not knowing what to do. I'm not good with emotions anyways, let alone being sympathetic, comforting or diving into the confusing labyrinth called girls. ("I need to do something though...anything really")
I decided to pat her gently on the head and tell her everything will be alright
"Could you there any explanation why you would do that?" I say genuinely confused
"'s...that um-"
Just then a shard of ice was flung at us from behind. I shoved Valerie out of the way as I sliced the shard cleanly through with BeastBurner. I turned to Valerie, alarmed at how violent I was to her
"Valerie are you ok?!" I say taking a few paces to her?"
"Yes I'm good thank you ever so much-" before she could finish an ice shard shot through the air and pierced my right shoulder. I screamed in agony as the cold venom known as frostbite gradually started to take effect. I ripped out the shard and stood my ground, making sure my hunters blunderbuss was in good shape before slowing taking a few paces at a time towards one of the witches of Darthmoor Forest

(3rd person POV)
As (Yn) grabbed the witch from behind, pinning her in a headlock; Godfrey blessed DawnStar with a short burst of holy magic and struck furiously at the sorceress. She screamed in agony as 5 cuts started to pour blood from her forehead. There was a blinding flash of light that sent (Yn) and Godfrey flying across the room. As their vision returned, they came across a much unwanted sight

("And I thought I promised Chloe I wouldn't be checking other girls

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

("And I thought I promised Chloe I wouldn't be checking other girls...")
"You DARE LAY A FINGER ON CERCI, THE QUEEN OF ICE?!" Screamed the witch, now known to be named cerci
(Yn) spoke up "nice colour change love, but honestly we couldn't give two shits if you were the mother of dragons. You tried to kill me and stole my Chloe. So, the price of that is death"
"Not to mention the black magic rituals, sacrifices and killings reported around here" added Godfrey
Cerci's face contorted into a sly grin, and slowly blue light started to excrete from her hands. She pointed a finger forward and a blast of ice shot from it. It hit (Yn) directly in the upper right torso, causing him to wail in pain. Godfrey threw a bottle of holy water onto the witch, which made her reply with a scream of agony. But Godfrey didn't stop there. He shot out a bolt of holy light which ignited with the holy water, resulting in her erupting in a ball of white fire.

Slowly, (Yn) stood up and ripped the shard from his torso. He slowly morphed into this...darkly coloured fire wolf but with armoured, scaly skin and a reporting tail. With every step he took, it seemed death came closer as well
"You May be the Queen of ice" called out (Yn) in a deep, threatening voice "but king of the lycans" he arched his claws and slashed off cerci's wings. Blood spewed out of her back as she cried in agony. She moved backwards and shot out a huge spear of ice towards Godfrey. (Yn) slashed at it, yet it wasn't enough. Half of the spear ended up piercing Godfrey's left ribs. He fell backwards, landing on a nearby table. Cerci formed two ice whips and struck (Yn) and Godfrey, akin to how Godfrey slashed at her head moments ago. Godfrey was badly sliced across his body, while (Yn) was only hit once by the whip as it smashed into pieces on the second strike against his scaly skin. Cerci tried to whip at him again with her other whip yet (Yn) held his arms out towards her and unleashed an army of tentacles that wrapped around her body. He started to slowly crush her under the pressure, and smash her into walls and nearby objects to keep her struggling. He then slowly brought her in close to him, and opened his gaping mouth, extending his fangs. She begged and begged with tears clouding her eyes, yet that wasn't going to help her. With one swift motion, (Yn) bit down on cerci's head, with a wet crunching noise to follow. His tentacles turned back to werewolf arms, and used the strength of those arms to push down and rip off cerci's head. Godfrey looked on in awe as (Yn) spat out the head of the witch, and then ripped her lifeless body in two. He walked on over to Godfrey, his right hand over the shard in his ribs.
"How's the wound?" Asked (Yn) in a deep, roaring voice
"It-agh!" Godfrey winced at the pain in his side "it'll be fine. Just need some healing magic or...oh wait I've got some potions in my pouch
(Yn) retracted his claws and scrambled around Godfrey's pouch. He procured a healing elixir and some bandages. He dipped the bandages in the potion while Godfrey pulled out the ice shard, much too his displeasure. (Yn) then wrapped Godfrey's wound as Godfrey himself drank the rest of he potion. Even though the bandage method takes some more time to heal, the potency of the potion and the fact Godfrey drank some directly made it so that he was already showing signs of recovery.
"Come on, up ya come" Said (Yn) as he picked up Godfrey and got him on his feet. Thy put their arms round each other for support as they made their way to the staircase. At the foot of the staircase Godfrey handed (Yn) some holy water and some church fire
"What hell is church fire?" He asked given the urn of this mysterious substance
"You've heard of Greek fire, right?"
"You mean the ancient Greek flamethrowers that cannot be replicated ever since Constantinople besieged?"
"Yep, well we recreated that and have many different forms. I brought a lot of holy stuff as that usually goes well with witches. We were extra lucky she was a fallen angel by the look of her wings"
"Ah ok. So what do I need to do?"
Godfrey sat down on the stone slabs and took a sip of water from his canteen. He placed it to his side and cleared his throat before speaking again
"Basically, there's no one else here, and from what I can tell there isn't anything of value here either beside evil and illegal spells, ritual rites, runes and the like. Holy fire only continues to burn unholy objects, so don't worry about burning the forest down. Just sprinkle the water around and then throw the urn hard at the ground and the fire shall do the rest
(Yn) nodded and did the task at hand. He sprinkled the water across every surface, nook, cranny, and otherwise sinful object he could find. Spells and scrolls? Drizzled. Skulls and ritual books? Soaked. Playlists featuring Ariana Grande? About to be ablazed. When everything in the room was wet with holy water, (Yn) went back to the staircase and peered from the doorway into the messy, corrupted room. I changed into a Minotaur and held the church fire firmly in my right hand before launching it at the body of the witch. It exploded into a gargantuan ball of white fire. It quickly crept along the floorboards and bookshelves, burning away knowledge and scorching away all the evil emitting from the area. As the fire grew I could feel my soul getting lighter with the corruption being purged away from existence. I remorphed into a were-tiger and looked over to Godfrey. I saw him with a calm, relieved smile on his face
"This is....quite relaxing" he said with his hands at his bandaged side
"I get what you mean. It's almost like a sauna in a way. You just feel and free"
"That's what happens when you go on purging missions. There's so such a high for feeling this... this clean."
"Should we get going?"
"Yeah, we probably should. Hopefully Isaac and Valerie should be done by now"
"By the way, you never told me Isaac's story"
"Isaac? Well, that's...quite a long and interesting one indeed. But I think we should save that one for another chapter"
"Good idea, lets get going then" Said (Yn) picking up a now healed Godfrey, ascending the spiralling staircase side by side

(Authors notes)
Damn that was a long chapter. Almost 2000 words. Nothing compared to the 3000 word last chapter tho haha. If you haven't heard already please go and check out my second book raphtalia x male reader. I'm still gonna do this so don't worry. I also had a schedule. Expect at least 1 chapter a week for each book with the Raphtalia chapter coming Thursday-Sunday and this book's chapter coming Monday-Wednesday AT LEAST
Until next time all!

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