Once Apon A Ritual. (Ritual 1,Part 1 of 2)

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Everyone Bursted enthusiastically into the doors oj hotel holding Suitcase up in the air and cheering! (She'd Won Inanimate Insanity)They all decided to celebrate by doing something fun,fan suggested they do something,with no intent of doing it,but Paintbrush insisted:

Fan:Hey guys,I read about some people doing a ritual with a bunch of demonic underworld stuff!They used some sort of board,an eye thing and blood?I think it's blood.

Paintbrush:Well,we could give it a go,besides we have nothing better to do,Back me up here lightbulb!


Fan:What- Are you out of your mind Paintbrush?!Doing that is very dangerous!

Lightbulb:Gotta Agree with Fan on this one Painty,doing that is dangerous.


Microphone overheard their conversation and asked intently,"What are you guys up to?"Waiting for a reply from one of them.

Suitcase:Mic,Paintbrush wants us to contact the underworld and do life threatening things to ourselves,at a low expensive to.

Test tube:Well,It can be scientifically proven that those "Rituals" Are fake,but i'd like to see it for myself,i'm in Paintbrush!


Lightbulb:I don't even know what a "Ritual" is,so i'll do it.

Fan:I'll do it,besides i'm sure Test Tube could do with some help on her investigation anyway!

Microphone:Sure,why not!And you Suitcase?

Suitcase:As long as everyone else is doing it..


Paintbrush:Everyone,stay here i'm gonna go ask everyone else if they'd like to join.

Paintbrush ran up the stairs and knocked on Marshmello,(Along with Apple)'s room.

Marshmello:Can i help you...?It's late.Go to bed.

Paintbrush:Well actually i came here to ask you if you'd like to do a ritual with us!

Marshmello:A ritual?!Are you crazy?Sorry Paintbrush,Neither me nor Apple will be joining you,adios. (Slams door)

Paintbrush:(Mumbling) Rude...


Nobody seemed to want to join. Paintbrush gathered the gang back up into a group.The gang ran out the doors while fan was scrolling through his phone closely.

Fan:Hey Guys,I found one called "Deadmans tag",we should try it!

Paintbrush stops the group.

Paintbrush:Wait guys,how does this even work?!

Fan:It says here that...

Atleast 3 players.
one flashlight per participant.
one timekeeping device per participant
1. begin shortly before dark on a night with little to know moonlight. an overcast, cloudy night on which a new moon falls are ideal.
gather all the participants together with their flashlights and timekeeping devices at the playing fieldpick a very noticeable object in the centre of your
playing field
(a very large rock, a tall tree, etc.)
and pick one person to be "it" (in this ritual, the person is your opponent.)
that person has to stand with their face to home base to that they cannot see anyone else or anything else.everyone else has to run and hide, depending on the size of
the playing field, they usually have about 1-2 minutes to hide
when the time is up, the person at home base turns around and has to look for everyone
they may leave home baseif they see someone hiding, they need to run back to home base and touch home base and then yell "[Person's name] i found you"
and that person would be out
the person who is it has to be at home base to get someone out, however they may leave home base to go find people.
to win the game, you need to make it back to home base without getting caught.ts either
a) the person who is it doesnt notice you making your way to home base
b) you run to home base whilst the person who is "it" is away from home base so they cant get you out even if they see you
the only difference in this ritual is that the person who is "it" is a ghost, and..
you do not want to get caught.
Ritual 1:We invite you to play a game of tag. Home base is [name your home base]. When the game begins, we have until
the count of [name your length of time] to hide. Then you may look for us. Once we have all returned home, the game is done.


Paintbrush:Lets summon this thing to be it already,so we can get the game started!

The crew walks to the centre.

Lightbulb:Lets pick that huge branch from the tree. 


Suitcase:Good luck guys,and we still haven't chanted the summoning,lets do that now,dont you think?


We invite you to play a game of tag. Home base is The elimination area. When the game begins, we have until
the count of 1 minute and 10 seconds to hide. Then you may look for us. Once we have all returned home, the game is done,Thank you.

Suddenly,Test tube Ran away as fast as she could.She struggled on where to hide.Without a choice,she ran into a bush and decided to camp there,waiting for the right moment to return to homebase.


Fan,Mic and Lightbulb decided to hide near eachother so all 3 of them could return back to homebase easily.


Suitcase had a past of climbing trees when she was little,so she put her skills to the test and climbed the tree like she was trained to do so.She hid in it,waiting.She found the closest one to homebase so she could run back.


Paintbrush took her time,She had a flashlight and looked around. She spotted lightbulb as she was going past,She smilled and carried on.Eventually,she found the tent area.She zipped up all the tents and hid in one.


The time ran up."It" started looking.Suitcase had a birds eye view.She saw it go towards the south,And lucky for her,"HomeBase" was right infront of her.She climbed down and ran like the speed of sound to the homebase,and let out  a sigh of relief.


Fan,Mic and Lightbulb were hiding normally.Lightbulb spotted an amazing hiding spot 10 times closer to homebase,so she crawlled out and headed to the spot.Luckily,she safely made it to her spot,yet still wasn't satisfied by the outcome.She kept moving,only getting further,and further away from homebase.

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Paintbrush knew he was to far away from homebase.He moved closer,and closer.

Suddenly,Lightbulb let out a horryfying scream,that made Painty Scared as hell.

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Once Apon a Ritual. (Inanimate Insanity)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang