bitter sweet love | 28

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First Love
by taehyungxii

Some things aren't meant to be.

Like how a parallel line will always remain as an almost.

Like how the poles on a magnet could be so close, yet are separated permanently.

That's us, and it's inevitable.

They say, first love never dies. Some are even lucky enough to be with their first love forever. It's not about the first person you create a special bond with. It's the one that created a huge place in your heart, and one that will never ever be replaced, no matter how hard you try.

Even if they leave a scar rather than a beautiful memory, they will always be there in your heart, irreplaceable. Even if the scar would heal, that one place in your heart will never close. And everytime your eyes would meet, it will always be magical, even if everything you had in between was long gone.

First love often ends up as an almost. A memory that will stay as a memory -and maybe the one that's hardest to forget. Of course, it was your first love after all.

And that's exactly what's painful, the almost. When you know you could've never parted ways if it wasn't for the fate's change of plans. We all know we can never get a hold of fate, it'll do what it'll do, whether we like it or not.

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