"Lou, what did I say about her being part of the family?Your siblings aren't saying anything."Don answered and Louisa scoffed.

"Part of the family?Dad, are you kidding me right now?"Louisa asked.

Meryl on the other hand, she is currently holding her grandson and she is with Sanja, Marley, Nicky, Sean, and Paris.

"C'mon Nicky, pop the balloon!"Meryl cheered for Nicky and she can see her grandson smiling. She searched for her older children and it made her eyes go round when she saw them with Pierce and Don.

"Oh God, what's happening?"She whispered under her breathe.

"Chris!"They suddenly heard Nicky yell and that made Meryl spin.

"Hey kiddo."Chris greeted and he carried Nicky.

"Hi Chris!"Meryl greeted and Chris kissed her cheek.

"Hello mommah."He greeted and Meryl smiled.

"Where are the others?"Chris asked and Meryl pointed them.

"They are over there by the drinks. If you're thirsty or hungry, just go there, make yourself comfortable."Meryl answered.

"I'll give Nicky her gift first since I haven't seen her in a while and she's been calling me lately."Chris replied and Meryl just nodded with a smile.

Meryl gave Chris and Nicky their time and her grandson immediately started crying.

"Oh baby, shhh don't cry baby. Okay, we'll go to your mommy now."Meryl whispered and even if she didn't want to, she headed to where Mamie is.

"He is already crying."Meryl uttered and Mamie immediately carried her little boy.

"Hi, Meryl."Don greeted her with a cough and she nervously chortled.

"Oh hey, Don. Nice to see you."Meryl greeted and she awkwardly hugged him.

"I already placed Nicky's present on the gift table so we probably get going now."Don uttered and she just nodded. Pierce walked with Don and his girlfriend and Meryl looked at Mamie, Grace, and Henry.

"I thought you guys are with Lou?"Meryl asked all of a sudden.

"Dylan called her and I think Henry is suppose to be with them."Mamie uttered.

"Oh my God, yes. Nicky's surprise."Henry said and Henry immediately left the three.

"Who was that woman with your dad?"Meryl asked Grace and Mamie and the two chortled.

"We know mom, dad's choices after you are horrible."Grace uttered with gritted teeth and they all headed back to where everyone is.

"Hello everyone, Dominique's party is coming to an end but before our little sister's tenth birthday end, we have a surprise to her and it includes our dad and our brothers."Louisa uttered and Pierce, Henry, Sean, Dylan, and Paris suddenly came in wearing unicorn onesies in different colors. It made everyone laugh and it shocked Nicky. Even Meryl. Meryl just know that they have something for Nicky but she didn't know that it's this.

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