Turn Of Tables

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Anthony pov:

I woke up a little late since my cousin left the house at 11:25 in the evening. I turned over to hug Y/N but she wasn't there instead Oreo layed in her place.

I sat up and stretched "Oreo? Oreo?!" She immediately sat up and barked happily, "Oreo do you know we're Y/N is?" I asked expecting Oreo to know what I'm talking about. She jumped off the bed and ran off I I assumed she wanted me to follow.

I followed her and she sat in front of the fridge of the kitchen. I looked at the fridge to see a note

Hey babe I left early for an interview
Could you go shopping for me though
Love you :)

I sighed "of course she wanted me too do that" I said to myself. Might as well do it now so I don't have to do it later.

 Might as well do it now so I don't have to do it later

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I had a shower and got ready to hit the road, I started the car and drove to Costco.

I had a shower and got ready to hit the road, I started the car and drove to Costco

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Third person pov:

Anthony parked the car and got out some people recognised him because of Y/N. As we as strolling to the entrance until Anthony noticed a familiar car~

 As we as strolling to the entrance until Anthony noticed a familiar car~

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He wasn't sure but he saw this car before. Anyway he walked inside and started to shop for his girlfriend. He picked up eggs, bread, sugar thick glass noodles etc.

Afterwards Anthony was about to leave until someone called him "Anthony?" He turned around and saw  the one person he didn't want to see...his Ex celebrity/girlfriend Cleo.

Cleo is also a famous singer but not as famous as Y/N, her and Anthony used to date but he broke up with her since she was cheating on him with two men...but Cleo still like Anthony. She knows he's bodyguarding someone but she doesn't know who exactly.

"What are you doing here" Anthony said shocked.

"Um I'm shopping...what dose it look like" she said happily.

"O..k we'll see you when I'm dead" Anthony was about to walk away but Cleo stood Infront of him.
"Anthony please I said sorry...we could maybe start over".

"Sorry isn't gonna cut it...even if I did forgive you I don't want to be in a relationship with you" Anthony walked passed her.

"You will fall for me again" Cleo called out.

"I won't cuz I already have someone in my life" Anthony said walking in the distance.

Cleo pov:

I stood at the entrance scrunching up my face, even though I cheated on him I still love him. We used to be a great couple but he was a little boring and I was desperate for love bit he wouldn't give it to me. So who ever he's dating better watch out.

Y/N pov:

I was on my way home from that long interview with 'The late show'. I was kinda hungry so I drove into McDonalds and ordered some food.

10 minutes later~

I locked my car and opened the front door I was greeted by Oreo as usual but I don't see Anthony. "Anthony?" I called out but I got no answer. I decided to check upstairs to be honest I was getting a little worried "Anthony?" I called again but I still got no answer.

Now I started to panic, I speed walked into my bedroom and to my luck I found another looking out the window calmly. I put my bag down and walked closer "babe?" I said again for the 3rd time.

He flinched and turned around "Y/N? You just came now" he asked.

"Yeah you didn't her me open the door" I said confused.

"I actually didn't" i looked at my boyfriend's face. He looked a little worried, depressed and sad all at the same time.

I sighed and gave him a hug, he wrapped his arms loosely around my waist. "Babe are you ok your scaring me a little" I said looking at him.

"I'm fine...just thinking about something" he quickly replied.

"Oh...ok do you wanna talk about it" I asked.

"Nah it's not important...anyway I missed you sexy mama" Anthony kissed me gentally on the lips. I kissed back but focusing more on Anthony not the kiss.
"I brought McDonalds home" I said pointing ouside my door.

"You did...dibs on the vanilla milkshake" Anthony ran off to the kitchen leaving me alone in the room a little confused. Something is bothering my man and I'll find out sooner or later but for now I fancy a beef burger.

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