[10] the boy from district 12.

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She inched closer and closer, and every step she took forward, I took one back.

"The District 12 cock-sucker likes you, doesn't he?" She started with. "He's been running around like a psychopath looking for you."

"What are you talking about?" I take another step back.

"You don't know? He was eyeing you all through training, and he has some nerve to announce that he's protecting you. I bet he's watching us right now, and I'm gonna give him one hell of a performance when I kill you."

She swings her sword, which I respond by taking one large step back. I trip into the water pool, sinking all the way under. I felt nipping at my ankles, and when I look down, I notice a fish that bites into my flesh. I try and scream out, but it is muffled by the water. The blood attracts more fish, and more, and more.


I swim up to the surface, taking a deep breath when I reach the top. The fish are still biting my ankles, and I try my best to swim to the rocks. I pull myself up, ripping the piranhas off of my flesh. My ankles are bleeding and the blood drips into the pool of water.

I start to feel tired, no, exhausted. My eyes begin shutting until I hear a screech, and I fall back onto the rocks.


Waking up hurt, it hurt my eyes, my legs, and especially my head.

"I was wondering when the fuck you were gonna wake up. What the fuck were you thinking, falling asleep on those piranha rocks?!" A deep voice that I didn't recognise said from in front of me.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes. The realisation hit me. I'm in the Hunger Games, and I do not recognise this person. My eyes snapped open and I grabbed the nearest thing I could for a weapon, it ended up being a stick.

"Just what the fuck are you going to do with that?" The boy said.

I blink. Katsuki Bakugo?

"Uhm, what's going on?" I ask nervously, lowering the stick.

"You fell asleep on the god damn rocks that's what! Oh, let's just wait until I get to that District 6 bitch. Ugh! I'm gonna burn her head on a fucking fire! Stupid girl, she really thinks she has a right to just talk about me behind my back and not expect me to be mad?! She has some nerve. I'm glad I lit that damn forest fire and killed her loverboy, what an idiot! Both of them!" He ranted.

"How long have I been out for?"

"5 days." He stated, continuing to his rant. "Oh, and the District 2 boy killed himself because those two brats from District 1 wanted to kill him. The bastard was being selfish and stabbed himself in the neck with an arrow, like a big massive 'fuck you' to the District 1 kids, fucking love it."

"How do you know all this?" I eye him suspiciously.

"I run around and watch people, then I strike. I got bored watching you and that pink-haired girl after a while-"

I screamed and interrupted him. "I forgot about Mina!"

"Woah kid, chill. I made sure she was alright. She thinks your dead, she's doing alright on her own."

"No, this is wrong, I need to go and find her." I get up and walk in a random direction.

"You wouldn't wanna do that." He said dangerously.

"I need to find her, to protect her."

The boy looked at the floor, an emotion on his face that I couldn't read. "Good luck, Eijiro."

"You're not coming with?" I ask.

"There are only two winners, right?"

I nod. "It was nice meeting you, Katsuki."

That was it. I ran off, leaving the boy. I couldn't help but feel bad, he had gone to extreme lengths to protect me and make me feel safe, but all I could think about after all of that was Mina. Apart of it felt wrong, but I had an alliance with Mina that I couldn't break.

By nightfall, I had reached the waterfall. Mina was sat there, drinking water and pouring some of it on her burns that had partially healed.

"Mina?" I say.

She looks up, her face was filled with shock. "You-"

"You're still alive." She said.

I walked up to her, but the shock in her face didn't last long.

"You left me!" She shouted.

"Mina that wasn't my fault-"

She grabbed her blade. I reached the place where my axe was previously, but I soon realized I must have left it back with Katsuki.

"You don't give a fuck, do you? I could've died! You left me weak and dying on the floor! I could barely walk for fucks sake!"

"Mina! I was trying to help you! You're the one that crawled away!"

She approached me, and there was nothing I could do. I didn't want to run, I didn't want to leave her again. Her anger got the better of her, and she swung her sword, cutting my arm.

"Mina, calm down!" I yelled.

"You don't have the right to tell me to calm down after the shit you pulled!"

"Just wait, let's talk!" I begged, holding my bloody arm.

"No! I'm not going to accept some half-ass apology and some bullshit lies!"

She pushed me to the floor, straddling me and holding her blade above my head, ready to stab me. Just as she was about to stab me, a sword pierced through her throat. The blood from her neck dripped onto my face until her body fell limp beside me, followed by a canon.

Above me? Katsuki Bakugo, holding out his hand.

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