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Abbie sighed as she sat in assembly as she got to school. She was off and she wasn't herself. Abbie glanced across the hall as She made eye contact. He looked to her and smiled as she looked away. She ran her hands through her hair as janeece ran in and looked to Karen "miss, it's a baby someone left a baby" she said. Abbie sat in her chair as everyone looked up wanting to not be here. She could hear everyone taking over what was going on. She stood up and walked out of the hall as everyone was dismissed. She felt numb. She felt silence grab her arm and jumped as she looked to see Lexi and sighed. "Are you okay? I mean it's mad what is going on and I just wanted to know if you were okay" Lexi asked as Abbie looked to her and smiled "I'm fine, don't worry over it." Abbie said as Lexi looked to her for a moment and nodded. She could tell that Abbie was off

Abbie sighed as she walked to her locker and sighed. She looked to the sheets in her locker and grabbed them. She panicked and she had left the baby. She knew what her mum was like and how they would find out the truth. She didn't even know that she was pregnant until she gave birth. She ran a hand through her hair, Abbie was scared and felt like she had no choice. She knew what Karen was like and how she was react if she learnt the truth over her and tom. Abbie walked into the toilet and sighed as she started to flush the sheets down the toilet and sighed. She didn't know what to do and she was scared. Abbie knew no one could find out it was her baby


Abbie stood in the toilets as she tried to destroy her sheets as she nears someone walk in. She frowned as she saw Karen who looked to her shocked "Abbie" she said as Abbie looked to her with tears in her eyes "I'm so sorry" Abbie said. She looked as Karen walked towards the cubicle as she easels out of the bathroom "Abbie wait" Karen called as Abbie rushed out of the toilets and down the hall. She frowned as she saw Tom as well as lexi and max who were walking down the hall and stopped as Karen caught up to her "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt her. I didn't know I was...I panicked" Abbie sobbed as Karen hugged her and smiled "it's okay, I promise" Karen said


Abbie sat on the hospital and looked as Tom walked in. Karen was on the phone with Charlie informing him over what happened. Abbie looked to Tom and sighed  "you Nate me don't you" Abbie said as Tom smiled "no, I don't it's my baby and I want to be there for you I promise" Tom said as a nurse walked over with the baby and placed her in Abbie's arms. Abbie looked down at her and smiled "we made her" Abbie said as Tom smiled "we did and it's all going to be okay" tom said

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