It's Not Over!

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Dean, Bayley, Finn, police detectives and family & friends stood side by side at the funerals of Nikki, Brie, Lita, Matt and Detective Jim Lipton.

Bayley couldn't stop crying as Finn held onto her. It was the most difficult day of her life.

Later, the cemetery was almost empty as everyone was leaving and Dean was standing by Jim's grave.

Dean-''I miss you, Jim. Especially your sense of humour.''

Dean smiled for a second.

Dean-''I hope you're at peace now. Bye, buddy.''

Bayley walked up to Dean.


Dean-''Hi. I thought you left already.''

Bayley-''Whether I'm here or at home, it's not gonna change anything.''

Dean-''I guess.''

Bayley-''Thank you for letting Finn & I stay with you for a few days.''

Dean-''No problem.''

Dean & Bayley started walking back to their cars.

Bayley-''Dean, I have a favour to ask?''

Dean-''What is it?''

Bayley-''I wanna go back to Raven's Fair.''


Bayley-''I wanna give Jamie & Edward Ashen a proper burial. They deserve it.''

Dean-''I understand.''

They walked up to Finn.

Bayley-''Will you come with us?''


Bayley-''Thank you. We can leave tomorrow morning.''

Dean-''Alright. Bye.''

Dean, Bayley & Finn got into their cars and drove home.

The Next Day.

Bayley, Finn & Dean went to Raven's Fair. After a couple of days, they were at Raven's Fair Cemetery for Jamie & Edward Ashen's funerals. They were buried next to Lisa Ashen.

Bayley stood by the graves.

Bayley-''Hey, Jamie. I actually always wanted a little brother or sister. I'm so sorry I never knew about you.''

Bayley started tearing up.

Bayley-''Thank you for trying to stop Mary Shaw. I hope I made you proud because it is finally over.''

Then someone grabbed Bayley's arm and said ''It's not over!''

Bayley turned and saw Marion.


Marion-''It's not over. She's still here!''

Bayley-''Marion, what are you talking about?''

Dean & Finn walked up to them.

Dean-''Marion, we destroyed the doll. Mary Shaw is gone.''

Marion-''There's still one doll left. The perfect doll still exists!''

Marion walked away.

Bayley-''The perfect doll?''

Bayley looked at Dean.

Dean & Bayley-''Ella!''

Finn-''Whoa. Ella is a doll?!''

Dean-''Yes! I know it sounds crazy but it must be true.''

Bayley-''Oh, my gosh. That means we have to kill Ella. Mary is possessing Ella and killing my family!''

Finn-''But where do we start looking for Mary or Ella?''

Bayley-''I'm the only Ashen left. She'll have to come to me.''

Finn-''Bayley, you're not gonna use yourself as bait.''

Dean-''She doesn't have to.''


Dean-''Mary Shaw is gonna come after her no matter what. All we gotta do is wait for her to come to us instead of us running around looking for her.''

Finn-''I guess that makes sense.''

Bayley-''We should stay in Raven's Fair. Mary Shaw is comfortable here.''

Dean-''We can stay at the Raven's Fair Motel tonight.''


Dean, Bayley and Finn drove to the Raven's Fair Motel.

Dean stayed in the same room that Jim stayed in. Dean laid down and quickly fell asleep. During the night while Dean was sleeping, all the sound went silent.


Dean turned over in his sleep.


Dean woke up.

Dean-''Who's there?''

Dean sat up on the bed.


Dean was shocked to hear Jim's voice.


Jim-''It's me, Dean.''

Dean could hear Jim's voice but he didn't see anybody in the room.

Dean-''What the hell?''

Then Dean saw a figure in the corner. Dean saw Jim step towards him with his head down.

Dean-''This can't be possible.''

Jim lifted up his head and Dean saw Jim with his jaw barely hanging on to his face and his tongue cut out!

Dean-''Oh, s**t!''

Jim-''Why didn't you save me, Dean?!''

Then Jim's body dropped and Mary Shaw appeared!

Dean-''You b**ch!''

Dean picked up his gun and fired at Mary Shaw until she disappeared.

Then Dean woke up and sat up in bed!


Dean breathed heavily.

Dean-''This s**t ends tomorrow.''

Dean Ambrose clinched his fists.

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