Salsa: Joseph Megamix

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"Ugh, look at him!" Neil spat as he and his siblings crowded in the doorway, "The lazy sod isn't even up yet!"

The 'lazy sod' in question was their brother, Joseph; the eleventh son of Jacob. He was still asleep in his bed, whilst the rest of the family were running errands. Usually, it was the youngest child (in this case, Alex; the twelfth son) who was the spoilt one, but not in this family. Joseph was the apple of Jacob's eye: not only were they the spitting image of each other, but Joseph also had the ability to tell the future through interpreting people's dreams; something that their father liked to take advantage of. He always received special treatment from Jacob, and Joseph's brothers grew up resenting it – resenting him.

As if on cue, Jacob appeared; and was surprised to find his sons congregated by Joseph's bedroom door.

"What's going on?" he questioned, "I asked Neil to check on Joseph, why are the rest of you here?"

Neil – the sixth son – shrugged, "I couldn't wake him, so I asked these guys for some help".

Brendan – the second son – nodded, "Yeah, we were thinking of using the good ol' bucket of water trick on him!"

"No, just let him sleep," Jacob insisted, "He obviously needs it, the poor boy".

The other men practically gagged at their father's words. He always let Joseph sleep in whenever he wanted to, but he'd never let any of his other sons get away with it. They sometimes wondered why they were still living with him; but having hot meals, a roof over their heads, and cheap rent was too tempting to pass up, so they stayed. But at times like these, they really regretted it.


"Ah, the favourite child finally shows his face!" Graziano – the tenth son – announced as Joseph joined the rest of his family, who were situated in the dining room.

Pasha – the seventh son – chuckled, "Did you get enough beauty sleep, your highness?"

"Guys, show some respect!" Jacob chastised, "Joseph's had it tough lately".

"Exactly", Joseph nodded in agreement as he moved towards the adjoining kitchen.

Pasha looked baffled, "Er, since when?"

"Poor, poor Joseph," Brendan added mockingly, "It must be so tough being daddy's prized boy!"

Joseph ignored them and glanced around, "If someone's putting the kettle on, I'll have a cup of tea".

Everyone else was sat at the table, several feet away from Joseph, who was standing by the counter right next to the kettle, "Does it look like anyone's putting the kettle on?" Alex snorted, "Do it yourself, you slacker!"

Jacob jumped up from his seat and rushed over to switch the kettle on before squeezing Joseph's shoulder, "Come with me, my boy," he suggested, "I've got something for you".

Jacob led Joseph towards the staircase, and the rest of the men followed; both curious and jealous, "Of course he has," Gorka – the ninth son – muttered, "Nothing for us, just for the golden boy!"

Kevin – the fifth son – nodded, "What's the occasion? Did Joseph eat all of his din-dins last night?" he questioned derisively.

"Behave!" Jacob scolded before addressing his beloved son, "Today is exactly halfway between your last birthday and your next one, so happy halfway birthday!"

Eleven jaws dropped simultaneously in outrage, "Is he for real?" Anton – the eldest son – questioned, "I had to remind him last week that my birthday was coming up, but he somehow remembers that it's exactly six months until Joseph's?!"

Joe and Dianne's Strictly StoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora