Paso Doblé: Pompeii

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A/N: In advance of this chapter, I should let you know that I've only done a small amount of research on Bullfighting, so it won't be factually accurate; and I apologise in advance for any mistakes. Also, there will be references to sex and panic attacks, so reader discretion is advised.

Joe wiped the sweat off his brow as he folded up his cape. He tried not to laugh as his manager, Gorka, deposited the pair of horns into his bag. Despite having practiced for several years, a part of Joe still found it funny to watch his Apoderado chase him with bull horns. It would never compare to taming an actual bull, no matter how threatening Gorka tried to be. 

"Good work today, chico," Gorka praised in his thick Spanish accent as he squeezed the younger man's shoulder, "Not long until you face the bull".

Joe beamed, "Yeah, I can't wait!" 

"You've worked really hard, Joe; you deserve it", Gorka assured him. 

"Thanks, señor," the Englishman replied modestly, "Though I don't know if I can ever thank you enough for everything you've done for me". 

"It's been a pleasure," Gorka replied before clicking his fingers, "Oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention... I'm taking on a new novillero!" 

Joe's face fell, "Really? You're bringing someone else on board?" 

"Yeah, I do have space in my heart for more than one estudiante", Gorka retorted. 

Joe considered this, "Who is it?" 

"Dianne Buswell," the older man replied, "Have you heard of her?" 

"Uh, the name rings a bell", Joe replied uncertainly. 

"She's a torero prometedor in Australia," Gorka explained, "Her own manager is retiring, so she contacted me and asked if I'd be willing to take her on". 

Joe was surprised, "So she's moving all the way here?" he questioned, "That's a bit weird". 

Gorka looked amused by Joe's reaction, "You moved here too, no?" he pointed out, "Leaving that country life of yours back in Wiltshire to train in Madrid". 

"Yeah, but that's not far compared to Australia," Joe remarked before shrugging, "It just seems like a big commitment, that's all". 

"So is Bullfighting," Gorka replied, "You have to be committed, from start to finish". 

Joe knew that his mentor had a point, but still couldn't help feeling bitter about having to share his time with some Australian girl, "Yeah, I guess", he grumbled. 

As though he could read Joe's mind, Gorka sighed, "Look, this will benefit you as well," he began, "You both have your strengths and weaknesses, you'll complement each other; and if you work together, you could both be imparable!" 

Joe pulled a face, "What's her strength, batting her eyelashes?" he asked scathingly. 

Gorka looked surprised, "Oi, sexista!" he exclaimed, "I wouldn't have put you down as being sexist, niño". 

Joe shrugged, "Lo siento, that was wrong of me," he apologised, "I just wanted to focus on getting my technique right and being the best matador possible, without any distractions". 

"You can be; Dianne shouldn't change that," Gorka assured him, "Besides, who said anything about 'distractions'?" 

Joe sighed, knowing that having an extra bullfighter wasn't going to be easy for any of them. He didn't want to lose the support of his mentor – or lose focus of his dream – because of a new student taking up their time. 

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