Cha-cha-chá: Just Got Paid

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"Hey!" Dianne greeted as she bounded up to Joe like an excited puppy.

Joe was stretching out his legs on the studio floor, and looked up at her, "'Sup?", he replied, then mentally kicked himself: 'who even says 'sup anymore?'. He wasn't exactly the most casual person in the world, but this might have even been a new low for him. He had no issue with grinding up against Dianne (who had only joined the company a few weeks earlier) in their dances, but apparently making small talk with her was too difficult for him!

In response to Joe's lame question, Dianne waved her phone in front of his face. It took him a moment to realise that he was looking at her bank statement.

"I just got paid!" she sang triumphantly, causing Joe to smirk,

"Yeah, that generally does happen when you're employed," he retorted teasingly, "But congratulations!"

Dianne shook her head, "You don't get it, this is my first wage," she began, "I've been using the bank of mum and dad for my whole life, now I can finally pay for myself."

"And pay them back", Joe added.

Dianne scoffed, "I'm not sure I'll ever be able to earn that much money!" she retorted, "Nah, I think I deserve a night on the town; don't you?"

Joe raised his eyebrows, "And here was me thinking that you'd be sensible about it."

Dianne pointed a finger at him, "One thing you should know about me – Joe Sugg – is that I don't do 'sensible'".

Joe nodded, "Duly noted."

Dianne watched Joe as he packed his shoes into his dance bag, "Any plans for the weekend?"

'Practicing how to be smooth around pretty girls,' Joe thought to himself before replying as nonchalantly as possible, "Nothing set in stone, why?"

"Do you fancy painting the town red with me?" Dianne asked, flicking her crimson hair over her shoulder as if to emphasise the point.

Joe was taken aback by the invitation, convincing himself that he might have sent her running for the hills instead, "Umm, are you sure you want me to go with you?" he questioned, "That's not really my kind of thing, I might cramp your style."

"No you won't," Dianne assured him, "Besides, we all need to get out of our comfort zones sometimes, don't we?"

"I guess," Joe reluctantly agreed, "Who else is coming?"

Dianne glanced around the studio of dancers, "Er, I'll send a group message to that lot", she muttered. Though that was a complete lie, as she had no intention of inviting anyone else along with them.

"Cool", Joe murmured, slightly disappointed that it wouldn't just be the two of them. Though he was kind of relieved that there might be other people around to fill the inevitable awkward silences.

"Well, I've got a few things to sort out when I get home," Dianne continued, "But I'll text you once I'm done, and we can meet by the station. How does that sound?"

"Yeah, good," Joe nodded before looking confused, "Wait, why did you ask me about my weekend if we're going out tonight?"

Dianne shrugged, "Well, you never know where the night might take us," she began suggestively, "It's always good to be prepared for your weekend to get taken over."

Joe mulled this over, "You know, that sounds pretty sensible for someone who 'doesn't do sensible'", he pointed out.

"Hey, I never said I was consistent!" Dianne argued.

Joe considered this before nodding, "Touché."

Dianne nodded, "Yeah, you'll soon learn that there's no point in arguing with me; I always win," she informed him mock-haughtily before smirking, "See you later, Joseph."

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