"Do you even know how hard it is to concentrate when you look like that?" he accused, stopping next to her with a frown on his face.

"Look like what?" Betty asked, unconsciously lifting her shoulders up a little.

"Beautiful," he sighed, his hands moving onto her bare waist. He looked down at her hips while Betty was busy blushing, and moved his thumbs over her warm and smooth skin. I want to touch you.

"Can we move on?" the girl murmured, feeling shy.

"Your ass looks hot in these shorts," he added, only to see her blush even brighter than before. Betty grabbed his hand, pulling him hopefully the right way, stomping her feet louder than before. "I'm serious, Betts, you—"

"I get it, you think I'm hot. Now come on," she said, unable to make him move fast, even her hands smaller than his, not even talking about the difference in their height and weight.

The boy kept standing and frowning, making the girl huff in front of him. "You're uncomfortable when I call you beautiful?" he asked carefully.

"No," she sighed, dropping her forehead down against his chest. "I just really want to go to that place and then go swimming in the lake before Veronica and Archie are already done with the water and having sex again."

Jug chuckled at that, wrapping his safe arms around her. "So you're not uncomfortable?" he asked quietly.

"No," she whispered.

"You sure?"

Betty nodded against his chest, making him smile as he kissed her head. "You're beautiful."

"Archiekins, look," Veronica whispered, pointing at the two teenagers on the other side of the bonfire, making out.

The redhead's eyes grew wide, a shocked chuckle escaping his lips, staring at the two, Betty smiling into some of the kisses. "Is that like Jughead's first girlfriend?" he whispered back.

"Hasn't he had a few already?" Veronica frowned. "I remember Kathy..."

"I don't think they were ever like this."

"Just because he didn't have those heart eyes for her that he has for Betty doesn't mean they weren't a thing for a few months... They probably had sex like every day."

"Well, she was pretty hot," the redhead concluded, earning an arm slap from Veronica. "Nobody competes with you, babe."

"Maybe we should give them some privacy?" Ronnie wondered out aloud. "Do yu think it's their first kiss?"

"Nah. They could've been hiding it for a while now... Or at least... You know yesterday morning. When she wore his shirt. Maybe you insisting on staying with me in the tent earned them a relationship?"

"God, I hope so," the raven-haired girl beamed, loving the fact she could've been the reason they finally kissed.

"I'll see you tomorrow, right?" Jug asked, holding Betty's hand, both of their bags thrown over his shoulders while walking towards her front door slowly.

"Mhmm, the drive-in, right?" she smiled, still happy and excited that the boy had asked her out on their first date.

"We're going to the drive-in, but I'm picking you up," he said.

"Okay," the blonde giggled, stopping in front of the door, facing him now. She raised on her tiptoes, cupping his face gently while kissing him, and then lowered herself back onto her heels when pulling away. "Night," she whispered, leaving a soft warm kiss onto his cheek and accepting her bag.


"I'm scared to go to school, Jug," Betty murmured, snuggling on his bed in the trailer, his hand playing with her hair quietly.

"It's gonna be okay," he insisted, knowing how nervous she must've been. New school, new people. At least this time she had Archie and Veronica there, who had become her friends with the month she had spent in Riverdale.

It was 6th of August now. They had gone on exactly two dates, enjoying each other's company a lot more than would be healthy, really attached to each other. The school was starting tomorrow, Jughead going to Southside high, while Betty was going to attend Riverdale High as most of the kids on the Northside.

"I'll pick you up after school," he promised. "My classes start 15 minutes earlier, so they end like that as well. I'll come with my bike."

"You said whenever you go there after school to go to Pop's with V and Arch, everyone stares at you," she said, eyebrows raised up questioningly. "Aren't you uncomfortable?"

Jug shrugged. "I'm used to it. Being the son of the Serpent leader isn't really a joy, but..." he shrugged, "At least on the Southside everybody respects me. And you too, really. Your mom has always been on top, somehow."

Betty sighed, biting her inner lip at that. She had had this question in mind for weeks already but hadn't dared to ask. "Do you know if..." she trailed off when the boy's eyes met hers. "If she and your dad... like ever... had something between them?"

Jughead chuckled. "My dad with your mom? Nah. Hard to believe."

"Why? I mean... Yes, she's a control freak and he was an alcoholic, but... They weren't like that when they were young. He was probably a big womanizer. I mean, you would be too, but you're too tied to drawing and writing and your beanie, so you're just weird."

"Hey," he protested, the girl already giggling before he tickled her side for a moment. "I'm not the only weirdo here."

"No, you're not," she agreed, giving him a soft kiss before placing her head back onto his chest over his heart where it belonged. "Still... My mom has had something happened to her; I think. I've always thought about that. Her parents aren't controlling. So I've always wondered what it was that made her like that..."

"Maybe having kids?" Jughead guessed. "I mean, you've told me you don't think your parents really ever loved each other much. Maybe she just got pregnant with your brother very young, which she did. So she was forced to be with your dad, because they were tied together with a child now... I don't know, Betts."

"Maybe she actually loved your dad but went with mine because of the baby?" Betty asked with huge eyes, looking up at him.

"Don't think about that now," he sighed, kissing her forehead. "They're just friends, baby."

(At the very same time, Alice and FP were spending time in her bedroom back at the Cooper house.)

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