This is Halloween

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A/N: This fic is based on a prompt that someone tagged me in on Twitter. I have no idea who wrote the prompt, but I hope you find this story. This is also a present to all of the people who read and love my fics for getting Cool for the Summer up to 5.2k hits. You all make writing worth it, so much love.

Also, big thank you to my lovely amazing friend Zoe who beta'd this fic for me and had some pretty ingenious ideas! 

There is an exuberant amount of karaoke in this fic, you've been warned. I hope you enjoy!!

"I can't believe you are going as Batman, again," Harry tells his roommate, rolling his eyes at his costume. He grabs a bag of chips sitting on the table, opens them, and pours them into one of the many Halloween themed bowls they had purchased.

"Batman is awesome though," Liam insists getting on his tiptoes to reach the liquor bottles kept on top of the fridge.

"Yeah, so you've said. Do you need any help, Li? I'm a bit taller than you, but Luke would probably be best since he is a literal giant," Harry laughs, reaching behind Liam, pulling down the rest of the bottles in one large hand.

"Luke and Ash are still out renting the Karaoke equipment," Liam tells him, lining up the bottles then opening the fridge, probably checking to make sure all of the mixers are still in there.

"Oh yeah. They should be back soon though. People should be getting here within an hour. I hope we have a good turn out," Harry responds, turning back around to their snack table, grabbing a chip and placing it in his open mouth.

"I can't believe you ruined a perfectly good children's cartoon," Liam says, eyeing Harry's chosen costume.

"Liam, it's Halloween, nothing is safe from being slutty." Harry smiles, lifting one foot off the ground trying to look innocent. He knows it doesn't work since more than half of his body is exposed, only a very small bit covered by yellow fabric.

"Still," Liam sighs.

"There are going to be people here dressed way worse than me. Some girls even go out in straight up lingerie, at least I am covered," Harry defends, looking down at his bare torso, "well mostly."

"What am I going to do with you?" Liam asks, smiling.

"Nothing. You are going to continue to let me live my sluttiest life." Harry laughs at Liam's expression.

"Hey assholes, were back. Come help us set this shit up!" Harry hears Ash's voice from the doorway. They both laugh, making their way towards their other roommates.

"Yeah, we gotta get ready," Luke tells them, when they come into view, both men holding a ton of equipment in their long arms.

"Cal should be here any minute, though. He's gonna be the one running everything, so he may want to be the one to set it up." Ash hands Harry a speaker, walking through the living room and into the dining area that has never been used as a dining area.

"Good. I don't know anything about any of this," Harry says, sitting down the speaker next to the table they set up for the equipment.

"You look hot, by the way," Ash says with a ridiculous wink to Harry. Harry rolls his eyes, punching Ash in the arm.

"I need more gay friends," he murmurs when Ash starts laughing, rubbing his arm where Harry had hit him.

"Yeah. Don't gay people, like, hang out with only other gay people?" Luke asks.

"That is just a stereotype, Luke," Harry says rolling his eyes prompting them all to laugh.


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