Chapter 29: Embrace

Start from the beginning

He flipped our positions and I was on my back; he was leaning over me on his left elbow. Our faces were mere inches apart. "Never talk about yourself like that." Alexander frowned, upset. "You are one of the strongest people I know. Brave, courageous, always a warrior." He cupped my cheek with his right hand.

I blinked in surprise and tried to quickly cover it by rolling my eyes. "There's no need for you to sweet talk me."

He leaned in closer with a small smile and his tired grey eyes brightened. "And beautiful."

Alexander pressed a kiss on my jaw and whispered softly near my ear. "When I realized that you left, I never felt so terrified in my life."

I pulled up my arms and wrapped them around his neck, pulling him closer to me. He tremored slightly as he exhaled deeply, nudging into the crook of my neck. When he leaned back, I cupped his face with both of my hands and pulled his face lower until our noses were skimming each other. His usually hardened grey eyes now softened and exuded warmth. I've never such an expression on his face, but that's when I knew. "Say it."

Alexander paused for a moment. "I lose."

I frowned since that wasn't what I wanted to hear and there was amusement glinting in Alexander's eyes. He was teasing me.

"Alexander..." I narrowed my eyes at him.

He chuckled softly but as it faded, his eyes turned tender and warm. "I love you, Vita."

"And I adore you."

Alexander looked confused for a second, not hearing what he was expecting. I simply pulled him down and whispered just barely loud enough, "I love you, Alexander," before I kissed him with a smile on my face.

Alexander may call me Angel, but he was mine.


Someone coughed and both Alexander and I looked towards the door. A female doctor dressed in scrubs and a white coat walked in with a nurse. I immediately let go of Alexander and he got up and off the hospital bed. He reached for my hand. I laced our fingers together and gave him a squeeze.

As the nurse did regular checkups, the doctor began her questioning.

"Sore, but okay," I replied back sincerely and she nodded in understanding. "When will you discharge me?"

"We're just keeping an eye on your leg for a few days since we removed the bullet."

"I assume I'm on pain medication right now."

"You are correct."

"I don't want any," I told her firmly. She looked like he wanted to say something but ended up conceding.

Alexander squeezed my hand and when I looked over, I saw the concern written on his face. I simply squeezed his hand back to let him know it was alright.

"If you change your mind, let us know," the doctor replied and I nodded.

The doctor also told me to rest well and to move my wounded leg as little as possible for the next few days. Alexander looked at me when she said that and I knew he was probably going to be enforcing that rule.

When they finished, they left the room and it was just Alexander and I once again. I scooted over slightly and Alexander joined me on the narrow bed. He held me in his warm embrace, being careful of my injuries.

"The USB, is it open?" I asked with my eyes closed, almost asleep.

"Not yet. I'll keep you updated."

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