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10 days after the battle of Crait - Jakku - Inner Rim:

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10 days after the battle of Crait - Jakku - Inner Rim:

Rey was awakened by a repeated pounding against the door of her sleeping quarters. She struggled to get up but eventually managed to crawl painfully out of bed.

"I can hear you! I'm coming!" She grumbled hoarsely.

Chewie growled from behind the thick metal wall before she heard him walk down the ship's hallway and away from her room with heavy steps. She had slept in her clothes and couldn't even begin to claim she was well rested.

After returning to the Falcon in the middle of the night, she had had a hard time falling asleep and scarcely after finally reaching it she had bolted upright on her bunk, her eyes tired, breath short, and body trembling. She had been in a panic and had tried to understand what was happening. But her head was devoid of thoughts, filled instead with Ben's instantly recognizable voice and the intense sensation of pleasure radiating out from her belly like a supernova.

She just had an orgasm. It was the first time that this had happened to her without any sort of provocation.

She had never felt shame in recalling the intimate caresses she lavished on herself on the loneliest nights on Jakku – sometimes, it was the only way to find comfort in the vast emptiness that had been her miserable life.

But this one was different. It didn't feel like it was completely hers. It felt like the aftershocks of someone else's.
Had she fantasized about Ben? Had he managed to somehow revive the Force bond? Had he... touched her while she had been asleep? She knew it was possible to make physical contact with him through the bond, but she didn't know if Ben could do it from thousands of light-years away while she was unconscious. Her attempt to go back to sleep had failed miserably when, in addition to that, she had tried to process what she had discovered in Niima.

The purring of her cabin's ventilation system brought her back to herself.
It was morning now and Rey scrubbed both of her hands over her face in an attempt to order her thoughts.

In just a few minutes, she would be seeing Maz again. With stiff movements she walked over to the washbasin tucked into the corner of her room. She splashed her face with water and adjusted her tunic. The little leather bag was still attached to her belt and hung against her thigh. She placed a hand on it as if to confirm that its contents were still there and then looked up to the little mirror on the wall. An unflattering reflection stared back at her. She looked truly awful, but there was nothing for it. Taking a deep breath, she grabbed her staff, nodded at the little rag doll that lay on her bunk, and stalked out of her quarters.


Maz Kanata was the same smart-looking spitfire of a woman that Rey had met on Takodana. The First Order's destruction of her castle hadn't altered her ardor or character in any way. Although one thing had changed: she didn't want to stay at the fringes of the rebellion anymore lurking in the shadows. Now she wanted to be at the very heart of the action.
She was at the head of what she called the "Maz Squad", a group of about thirty mercenaries and space cowboys ready to do anything to annihilate the First Order.

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