Rainbow Shirt

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Ok, so today I saw this dude with a rainbow shirt that I thought looked REALLY nice. I saw him around 5-6 times today, even though I don't think I've seen him before.

On my way to Algebra, he was walking up the stairs, my friend and I walking down, talking, when I realise that he's near us.

I honestly HAVE NO IDEA WHERE THIS CONFIDENCE CAME FROM OR WHY MY BRAIN THOUGHT THAT IT WAS A GOOD IDEA, but I randomly paused the conversation I was having with my friend, only to say: I like your shirt.

His response was a thank you (obviously bc he's a normal person), and then we parted ways.

After school, I had a club, which is held in the library. And in the green room next door (which we can see in from the library through a window), the school production team was having their interest meeting.

And all of a sudden my friend points out and says "oh look, it's that rainbow shirt guy".

I just went 'OH SHIT' for a full 3 minutes.


a.) Rainbow Shirt
b.) Sparkly Eyes


ANYWAYS, after talking to someone near the green room, we left to go to our side of the library because our club president walked in with our supplies.

We go and 20 minutes pass by, and their interest meeting ends.

Rainbow shirt walks over to a place to study, which wasn't too close to us, and my friend who was facing towards his direction (I was facing her, and so was my other friend next to me) had a perfect view of him.

After we left, she told me that rainbow shirt kept staring at us.

After she said that, I came up with two explanations.

Since this is real life and not a fanfic or love story, my explanations were:
a.) He realised who we were and probably thought that I was weird
b.) We were probably being loud (again)

So yep, that's that and we'll see what happens next (probably nothing lol)

October 29, 2019 - 22:17

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