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I doubted he knew who I was, yet I knew him. Most people did, being drop-dead gorgeous and 100% husband material, but I knew him on a personal level.

Well, maybe not personal, but closer than most other fans of his were. Most other people, in general, as he didn't seem like one for much socialization.

As a member of the support course, I myself was in charge of his hero costume, or suit, or whatever you want to call it. We exchanged a few texts and notes here and there, mostly about his costume. Sizes, adjustments, accessories, stuff like that. The longest text conversation we had ever held was when we needed to entirely remake his costume due to the fire part od his quirk. The notes were just things I scrawled onto a sheet of paper, folded up and tucked into the costume after I was done with it. He still doesn't know who I am, which is rather stupid, but it's fine. There was no need to know who I was.

To him, all I was, was just another person, someone in the sea of people living in the world.

But to Todoroki, it was a whole different matter.

If this person cared enough about his wellbeing to write a whole ass 1036 word text to him (yes, he counted) the entirety of it just fretting over him after the sports festival to make sure he was okay, he should know their name. But every time he tried to ask them, they dodged the question effortlessly like they had plenty of practice doing just that. And it was annoying.

All he wanted was a damned name! Nothing more, nothing less, so he could stop referring to them as "costume designer" or come up with ways to dodge having to call them something. Hell, he didn't even know which pronouns he should use. So he decided to ask his teacher about it. The bell rang, and students filed out, but he lingered behind, and Aizawa noticed.

"Is there something wrong, Todoroki?" He prompted, snapping Shouto out of his hesitation.

"Do you know who's in charge of my hero outfit?" He asked.

"(Y/N) (L/N). They're in support course _____." Aizawa answered after a brief pause.

"Ah. Thank you." He mumbled and walked out.

"What was that about?" Aizawa muttered to himself.

Back at home, when he was sure his father wasn't in the house, he pulled out his phone. Opening his contacts, he scrolled down to where the support course student was, now known as (L/N).

-Todoroki has entered the chat-

Todoroki: Is your name (Y/N) (L/N)?

-(XXX) XXX - XXXX has entered the chat-

(XXX) XXX - XXXX: akendkanbdkfnalnd


Todoroki has changed *********'s name to (L/N)

Todoroki: So you don't deny it

Todoroki: I asked my homeroom teacher about it

(L/N): I--

(L/N): uh

Todoroki: If you don't mind, I'd like to meet up with you tomorrow after school

(L/N): Oh God

(L/N): uh,,,,,,,,,,,,,

(L/N): okay?

Todoroki: Alright. Meet me at the front doors

-Todoroki has left the chat-

-(L/N) has left the chat-

I held my phone in my hand, staring off into space until it clicked.

I was meeting up with Shouto Todoroki.

... oh god.

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