"Yes I know. But I needed time to talk to you without your little pet" you scowled.

"What is there to talk about it obvious you're the one kidnapping and murdering all those people... demon" Ciel spat at you.

"That's what we need to talk about. I'm not the kidnapper or murder, yes on occasion I have to take someone's soul but I make sure that those bodies never show up so that I don't get disturbed by police. And if your going to get angry for that one person every now and then, you also have to get angry at your pet demon, since what exactly do you think he's putting up with you for" you finally stood up so that you weren't awkwardly sat on your wings.

"You think I would believe that your not the culprit" Ciel grumbled.

"No which is why I'm offering to help you solve this case" you said shortly.

"I thought you didn't like living with people or doing my bidding" Ciel teased.

"I don't. I just know that if I don't solve this with you, you'll never leave me alone" you grumbled.

"That's fair. Why did you hide the fact that you were a demon, surly you knew Sebastian was one and that he had a contracted with me" Ciel spoke much less angry now.

"Because you would instantly accuse me for the murders like you are currently doing. You humans are always so quick to judge each other so of course you would instantly take me in to the police. I should know I've been stuck down here with you lot for thousands of years." You huffed and set off walking.

There was no way you were using that catapulting trick again after just doing it, you were still in too much pain, so much pain that you were actually limping.

"Your hurt?" Ciel pointed out.

"No shit" you didn't turn to him and kept walking.

"You weren't hurt before Sebastian missed you. You back is now bleeding, it's coming through your clothes" Ciel could be heard following you.

"Yeah well that's what happens when you smack into Satan's wall" you rolled your eyes.

From then on you walked in silence, Ciel could be heard the entire time behind you and any moment now you were expecting a very angry Sebastian to appear and attack you.

"You still haven't answered me about the helping you solve the case" you finally stopped walking and turned to Ciel.

"Yes, I would like to keep you close anyway as I don't fully believe that you have nothing to do with this case" Ciel smirked at you and you rolled your eyes in annoyance.

*Sebastians POV*

Your eyes widened at the sight before you, (Y/N)'s red demon eyes glowed as she sent you and smirk and then disappeared in a thick, familiar, black smoke.

She was a demon...

How did you miss that...

You had started to figure out that she wasn't human, but a demon wasn't where you were you were going with all you theories. You should have been able to sense the fact that she was a demon.

The order form Ciel about the beating still stood and now you just had to wait until they landed so that you could sniff them out and take back Ciel before his soul was stolen form you.

You figured that she wouldn't take Ciel to hell so waited for the connection between you and Ciel to flash up when she landed. You quickly realised that she already knew that you were a demon so the question of why she didn't run from you confused you.

Eventually you caught a whiff of where they had landed, west London, well on the outskirts of it. In the country side, you smiled and then used your speed to dash across London quickly getting closer. The closer you got the stronger your senses locked in on them until eventually they were in your sights.

(Y/N) was facing Ciel still in her demon form, you could see Ciel smirking as you dashed at them from the side. (Y/N) was an extremely beautiful demon and her unique two toned horn captured your attention and entranced you, her black wings were pinned down by demon chains. Everything quickly clicked in your mind, she was the demon who was kicked out of hell. The chains proved it as she was the reason Satan had demon chains created and hers looked incredibly old. The blood on her wings further confirmed this as she had clearly hit herself off of Satan's wall in a quick attempt to get away.

*(Y/N) POV*

You and Ciel were just staring at each other, Ciel with a smirk and you with an unimpressed expression, when you were sent flying by a sudden force landing on your already damaged wings. You had gotten lazy with your senses over the years, you should have seen this coming.

A large black figure jumped on top of you and pinned you to the floor painfully, on your wings, and making the chains dig into your back and wings causing you to let out a loud groan of pain.

You arms were pinned under legs and your legs uselessly kicked into the air trying to get him off you. Your eyes focused and Sebastian's smug face and striking red eyes filled your vision.

You legs stopped kicking and fell flat to the floor "Sebastian".

"Miss (L/N), If that is your actual name" Sebastian's face inches closer to yours

"Yes this is my actual name. I'm guessing Sebastian isn't yours" you monotoned.

"You would be correct in that guess" Sebastian got even closer to you.

"Sebastian let her go she's going to help us with the investigation" Ciel spoke.

Sebastian lifted his head to look at his master "how can you trust her young master?".

"I can't but I don't have a better idea" Ciel said.

"I do if you'll allow me sir" Sebastian's grip on you tightened and a wide smirk crossed his face.

"Explain" Ciel ordered.

"I can mark her, that way she'll never be able to escape".

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