Chapter one

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Adrien's pov:
As marinette walked into class today I felt a big lump in my stomach. I couldn't understand why I was feeling this way. I was in love with ladybug not marinette, right? She walked up to take her seat before class started. She was wearing her hair in a low pony tail, damn did it ever look cute. She was wearing a white crop top that complimented her shoulders and her collar bone, And a short black squirt. I felt a bulge form in my pants, damn she was making me so horny! I just wanted to take her in my arms and never let her go.

Marinette's pov:
As I walked into class today I glanced over at Adrien. I felt like I was gonna drule, his messy golden blonde hair and his bright green eyes just completely turned me on. I desperately wanted to ask him out, but I knew a girl like me wouldn't be good enough for someone as perfect as him. I went and took a sit next to my best friend Alya, I tried to start up a small conversation before class started. " Your finally on time" Alya said teasing me. " Yeah I guess I am" I answered.

Alya's pov:
It was shocking to see that Marinette my best friend was finally on time for school. That never happens. She started up a small conversation but I wasn't that interested about what she was talking about, so I changed the subject. " Marinette, I think today is the day you ask Adrien out!". "What?! No way!" She answered trying to shut me up. "Come on, what's the worst thing that can happen?". "What if he rejects me! I'd be totally embarrassed!". "You'll never know until you give it a go Marinette". "I know but today just isn't the day". "If you say so" I answered in a disappointed voice.

"Attention please class, today instead of doing our regular lesson I will be putting you all into partners to work on a small project that will cover a good percent of your grade. This project will be on a certain animal of you and your partners choice. You will need to research all of the questions I have on this sheet of paper here that I will be handing out to each group. This project will be due next week at 9:00 am! So please do not leave this till last minute or your grade will automatically be a zero. I will be picking your partners and I expect you to get along and work well with your chosen partner. Is that clear?" Yes said the whole classroom.

Alya's pov;
"I hope you get partnered with Adrien girl! Imagine how good that would be for you two". "That wouldn't be good at all! Didn't you hear her she said this project is very important for our grades. So if I'm with Adrien I'll be way to distracted!". "You know you worry too much Marinette, you just need to relax for once. Trust that everything is gonna work out fine!"

"Alright please listen closely class as I'm assigning partners now. Sabrina and Ivan, Max and Kim, Nino and Nathaniel, Alya and Chloe and finally Marinette and Adrien. Please work hard and make sure to come grab a paper so you and your partner can get started on your project.

Alya's pov:
"Your so lucky girl! You got Adrien as your partner, And I got that filthy brat Chloe!"
"And besides this gives you a chance to ask him out!". "I already told you alya! I'm not asking him out!".

Adrien's pov:
The second I heard ms bustier call Marinette names to be my partner I knew this wasn't a good idea. Yes I so badly wanted to be around her but not when I'm this horny for her. It was gonna be so hard to hold myself back when I wanted her just so bad. I craved her body, I wanted to enter my member so badly into her woman part. The thought of her in bed with me made dick get even harder. As I walked up to her I felt so foolish. Imagine if she could tell what I was thinking, she'd think I am such a pervert.

Marinette's pov:
I knew that this was gonna be a challenge but I didn't have a choice. I couldn't possibly ask for a new partner, what would adrien think of me if I did. He'd probably hate me for life. I was trying so hard to concentrate my brain. This project was important, it counted as like half the grade for this year. And if I wanted to be a fashion designer when I get older it is very important I have good grades. I walked up to Adrien, there must of been at least fifty butterflies in my stomach by now. I tried to be cool and just go and do the project. "Hey so uh I guess we are partners!" I said. "Guess we are" Adrien replied. "Do you wanna maybe work on this at my house after school?" He asked me. Me at adriens house! I would be in his house, inside his bedroom working on a project with him! "Sure!" I answered quickly hoping he wouldn't notice how nervous I was. "Awesome, does four thirty work for you?". "Yes I answered quickly once again as I was super nervous. Not too long after the bell rang and school was now over.

"Please pack up all the supplies you will need to work on this project for the weekend and I will see you all on Monday, have a great weekend students!"

Marinette's pov:
I grabbed some markers and shoved them in my backpack along with the sheet of questions that we needed to research. I then made my way out of the classroom saying bye to alya in the process. Once I got home I went up to my room and flopped on my bed. "Oh tikki how am I gonna do this?". "Don't worry marinette! Trust your self, if you can fight villains almost everyday I think you can handle a small project". "But this isn't just any project, it's a project with Adrien!! Adrien agreste to be exact!". "Calm down marinette! I'm sure it will all work out fine, plus you'll have me there too" winks. "Haha what would I ever do without you tikki!". "Well you definitely wouldn't be ladybug!". "True!" I answered.

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