The fight

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While i was drinking some water, Ty came to me "Dude!! Carter was talking about you". I came to him and he was insulting me. Carter saw me and he got away. Sheena came to me, but i didn't remember invited her. She was a crasher. She told me that Carter crashing me. I came to him and say that im not his puppet. He pushes while i was going to punch him but all the crowds watching including Lena. I stopped myself and i insult and i disgust him. A lot of annoy i said to him. He go to kitchen while i was going out finding Lena but my classmate Joe said Lena is gone home. I go to the back of the door at kitchen and Carter bump me and splashes his drink around me. "Oops. Sorry man you didn't watch your way. Hehehe" Carter said. Sheena talked. "Dont worry Carter. Jimmy will get you another drink". "That's nice. I'll be waiting outside" Carter said.

I argue with Sheena. "Did you see that! He bump me, splashes his drinks around me and you just keep me another drink and give to that crackhead!". "That's why im helping you". She want me to take some ingridients that carter would not be like. A lemonade juice, a onion, and a toothpaste. I go back bringing those ingridients. I don't know what she's doing but somethings really fun. I thank to Sheena but she didn't tell me what will happen when Carter drinks it. I go outside straight to Carter. "Look folks! Jimmy gives me a another drink". I smile. After he drinks it, something's wrong with him "I feel burning in my body!!!". All of my friends shocked. Ty asked "Oh my god! Is that a acne?!". "You win this time James! I will get my revenge!" Carter said. Then he leaves. After he's gone. A girl came to me and her name was Emma "Em" Evans, a cheerleader. She asked me to dance but someones looking at me. Oh no another guy who has a angry at me. It was Sid. I didn't know Sid has inlove with Emma. I stop dancing and get back to house.

Ty and Caleb came to me. They decided that Carter was not the leader of the Alphas anymore and now im the new leader alpha.

After the party finished. A morning im going to start cleaning but dad came home early. We have a little chat about not being come to house and doing some homework. Dad's right i never come to house because i was getting with my friends. I promise to dad that im going to come home at house and studying. And he accept my apologize He came to house... "Jimmyyyyyy!!! What's all these!!"

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