Prologue and a start

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It's been two years since i was transferred in other school. Before i start my story. Let me introduce myself. My name is James "Jimmy" Wright. A grade 12 Canadian student who transferred in school of distraction. The Riverdale high.

So... lets continue.

My mom died when i was 10 cause of cerebral edema just like the jeet - kune - do master, Bruce Lee. My dad and i move to New York to continue my study. But first we need to get home and rest.

The next day my dad will drive me to school. I was getting a little nervous to see some students like me. My dad tells that the principal was waiting at the main building. I saw the principal and his name was Principal Gottlieb also known as "Bald Eagle". He gives me a wave welcome. We had little chat to how to survive in this campus. I was almost laughing for what he says. Then a serious discussion. He introduce the most repeater in the campus. Sheena "Raccoon" behrman. She looks like a mad girl. Her outfit was like a emo. The principal said that she was going to guide me to explore the campus for that i remember where i was going. When the principals gone. Sheena said, "i don't want to be your friend" thats a little bit hurt with that word. Then she also gaves me the map for exploring the whole campus.

After i exploring. I've go to principal's office. He gives me a seat and have a little chat. Again. He asked me that my mom and Gottlieb has been classmate many years ago. He also asked me that my mom was a prom queen. She didn't even tell me that, because she just past away earlier. After a discussion. He asked me a question where you going now next? I say to him "i will going outside to meet new friends". Then he warned me not to join with some bad influence. Then i agree.






(A/N: hey guys i'd like you to read my first story of High school Hook ups. And don't forget to vote. Thanks ;)

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