Toilet Time

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You are at a friend's house, and you find yourself having to use their bathroom. As you are sitting there you realize you are going to be in there for awhile, and you left your phone on the charger in the other room.

5 minutes go by and you are still in the bathroom. The piece of shit barely crowning out of your asshole. You only stay in the bathroom because you are determined to get this piece of shit out of your body. Plus, your friend probably realizes that you're taking a shit at this point.

10 minutes go by. You are still sitting there trying to push this piece of shit out of your annal cavity. Your legs are beginning to go numb.

15 minutes in and you try to find something to use as a squatty potty stool, if you don't already have one. Such as; the side of the bath tub, a trash can, or even an actual step stool. Hell, at this point you've probably tried the one leg on the side of the tub and you have the other leg in you arm. It would be really weird if someone walked in on you right now. Your legs are almost completely numb. You have only achieved pushing out half of the shit from your ass, but it keeps going back in.

30 minutes have gone by and you FINALLY manage to push this monster of a shit out of your asshole. You feel like you have just given birth...but from your ass, of course. You clean up and exit the bathroom.

When you reach your friend, they jokingly ask, "Did you fall in?" as they chuckle. You turn to them and respond with, "No, I was birthing my most precious piece of shit EVER!" and then, in a serious tone, follow that with, "Then I fucked your hair brush." You then smirk for a second, then go back to being serious. Then you say "Welp, I should get going. Bye" and leave.

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