There is no ending...

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All of my friends and classmates, along with some YouTubers and I were all gathered at this old school, that they turned into a Mansion/Hotel. We were all there for my friend/crush's wedding. He was supposed to be marrying this other girl, but when it was almost time for the for the festivities to begin, he bailed. He was still in the building, but ran off somewhere to think. Cuz he said that there is also another girl. And I had a funny feeling I'm that other girl.

While we were waiting for him to decide everyone went off into groups. All doing something different in each room. KSI and Logan Paul were in my groups room as we were all talking YouTube with a few of my friends and other YouTubers. I got fed up with Logan's BS, so I challenged him to a wrestling match. He agreed. About 2 minutes into the match I put my plan into action. He tried coming after me, his hands in front of him. I grabbed his hands and jumped, somehow landing on back. His hands now behind him, his left hand over his right shoulder, and his right hand over his left shoulder. I am sitting on his back holding his hands in place. I then do some flip over him. I am still holding his hands behind him, but I am now staying in front of him. I then take him and through him to the ground, as he hits his head on the floor. Not to hard tho. He gets up and admits defeat. As we sit back down with everyone cheering he said something I didn't quite hear. So I pulled him out of the room to another room. He then told me that he said, "And that's why I want you to be my primary". I asked what he meant by that. He replied with, "I want you to be my gf". He then kisses me. He tells me to think about it and walks out of the room. I walk around the room to see in the next room over, across the hall, the door is open. And inside is my crush, aka the groom. He heard and saw everything that just went on with Logan. I run out of the room grab my friends, Dan, Vinny, Kim, and Kiomy. I tell them everything. As we are walking around talking about everything, I see the other girl in her wedding dress hugging her dad, and I feel bad. But we keep walking, out of respect for her in this situation.

Then the time comes, my crush is ready to decide. He calls everyone over to the ballroom area and starts to make a speech and as he is about to say the name of the girl he has decided on....I WAKE UP TO A DOOR SLAMMING. Because my sisters had woken up.

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