Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

"Okay then, it's all set!" Dani said, clapping. "Friday we'll go to the mall and have a sleepover."

I laughed at her enthusiasm. We had agreed we would try to hang out at the mall and have a sleepover every Friday.

"Alrighty then, I'll see you on Friday." Stephanie said.

"You're not coming to school tomorrow?" I asked, looking at her.

"Nah I'm skipping. I need to do...stuff."

"Alright then I shall see you tomorrow." I walked out the front doors of Jacksonville Middle School. I was in 8th grade, along with my best friend Dani, and the group of girls I always hung out with. I flipped my brown curls over my shoulder, feeling the wind hit my face. Dani was next to me, trying to control her red hair. I laughed.

"What?" she frowned.

"Oh nothing." I giggled. She narrowed her eyes at me but shrugged it off. I couldn't help but smile.

"C'mon let's go, it's getting cold." I said, pulling my jacket closer.

"I agree." she said doing the same. It was the beginning of October, which meant summer had just passed and here was fall. I sighed. 8 agonizing months of school again.

"I know right?" Dani said, shaking her head. I jumped slightly.

"W-what?" I asked. She gave me a confused look and then a smile.

"You were thinking out loud again." she laughed. A blush creeped up my face. I looked down quickly so she wouldn't see it.

"It's okay Sky." she said. "It's not the first time."

"Right. Let's just go." I said. We walked to my house quickly, the air getting cooler. I shivered and so did she. We finally got to my house.

"Are you sure you don't want me to go with you?" I frowned.

"I'm fine. My house is not that far." she shrugged.

"Alright, see you tomorrow." I waved.

"Bye Skylar!" she said.

I shut the door behind me, slumping down against the wall. No one was home. Like always. I stood up again and headed to the kitchen. I threw my keys over the wooden oak table and opened the cabinets. I scanned them quickly before laying my eyes on a jar of peanut butter and jelly. I smiled. Quickly, I grabbed the bread and a small plastic knife and sat down. While I was spreading the peanut butter and jelly over the bread, the phone rang making me jump. I stood up and answered.


"Hey Sky." It was my mom. I frowned slightly.

"Hi mom. What's up?"

"I just wanted to let you know that I won't be able to make it home today. I have to stay later because this bitch decided not to show up today. Ugh."

I couldn't help but smile. "It's okay mom. I'll be okay I promise."

"Okay Sky. I'll see you tomorrow evening."

"Sure. Bye." I said and hung up. I didn't mid being alone. I was used to it anyways. I texted Dani to see if she was home yet. A minute later she responded and said she was fine. I said good night to her and headed upstairs to do my homework. I looked at all the books and assignments. I sighed. It was gonna be a long year.


Hii guys. I'm sorry for uploading so late but my computer is broken and I couldn't get on Word and blah blah blah. It's still broken but I'm using my iPod so I wrote all of that with the Notes app. So yea I can't really do anything until I get a new computer /: I might ask my mom to let me borrow hers for a couple of hours every week to upload a new part. Okay enough blabbering. Comment your opinion? Vote if you liked it? Kay bye XD

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