"Ah there you are" he said smirking at me, his smirk is the most annoying thing on the planet. There is more to life than smirking.

"What do you want Justin I have photography" I groaned unhappily.

"Your coming with me." he said grabbing my hand and walking me towards the door. "What are you police? I am not going no where with you" I spoke pulling him off me.

"Ooh a bit sassy today aren't we?" He said

"Justin I am not in the mood today just tell me what you want" I demanded angrily, there was a crowd of people staring at us and I hated it.

"Woah calm down, your dad needs you" Justin said. "And why is that? He knows I have school and I was quite happy staying here so this is where I'm staying" I said

"Your staying here?" He asked grinning. "Yup" I answered stomping my foot down.

"You sure?" He asked in denial. "Yes!" I said, he nodded then flung me over his shoulder,

"Oh hell no" he said clicking his fingers making everyone scream and giggle.

This was the side of Justin I hated, he thinks he's cool and all but he can be so annoying.

"Watch it 16 year old dumbass" I said. "What it 16 year old princess who wants everything" he said mocking my voice.

"Whatever, Kenny step on it quickly so we can leave him here" I said as Justin went to go to the front, Kenny started driving and Justin started screaming. "Aye stop it Kenny!" Justin screamed. Kenny and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh my gosh that was the best" I said.

"So what did you have today Ky?" Kenny asked.

"I had photography and then this dumbass showed up and ruined it for me!" I screamed as I folded my arms.

"That sucks but your dad urged for us to get you, sorry" he apologised.

"It's ok it isn't your fault" I smiled at him. Kenny was the best, he's so sweet and is like my older brother.

We got to my dads office and I thanked Kenny for the ride. I walked past Margaret the receptionist for my dad and said hello, then I saw Martin the door opener.

"Hey Kyla" he said. "Hey Martin" I replied.

"Where's Bieber?" He asked. "I left him at my school, he was being rude" I spoke.

"Well I better get going! Cya" I said. Martin waved goodbye and I got into the lift, I saw Justin sprint to this lift and I quickly closed the door so I wouldn't be stuck with him.

I got off the floor and walked to my dads office, I walked in and saw him on the phone.

"Hi dad" I said, he signalled me to be quiet cause he was on the phone, wow just great, when he finally finished he looked at me and noticed I was angry.

"Sorry sweetheart, where's Justin?" Dad asked "Oh I have no idea, looks like he's late" I said cheekily in my mind, "Yeah I wonder why" Justin said coming in.

"Anyway now that both of you are here I want to discuss the tour Justin, and Kyla I think you should start considering photography, singing or modelling" dad said to me. "Dad what about school?" I asked. "You'll get home-schooled with Justin" dad said.

"Yeah I'm going to have to pass on that idea he'll make me fail, and I'm not doing a career yet dad I'm only 16" I said.

"Yeah same as Justin and look where he is" dad said. I rolled my eyes at him, sometimes my dad just doesn't get it. Justin should have been living a normal life not all this glamour.

"Look all I'm saying is I am not going to do this now, I want to enjoy my teen years and as it is I am famous enough" I spoke rolling my eyes. I just wish my dad would understand me when I say I don't want this.


Hope Ya liked the first chapter ((:






1st Book: We got that twisted loveWhere stories live. Discover now