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Written 2nd June 2015
Justins POV

"Scoot I gotta go, I'm meeting Ryan and chaz" I said."Ok oh and can you take kyla with you, I don't want her getting bored" scooter spoke taking his eyes off his computer.

"Oh...uh....ok" I said unsure of if I should ask her. I don't really have anything against Kyla but well she's a girl. She's too precious and cries over nothing.

"Kylaaa" I said going to the room she was. "What are you doing here?!" She said covering up the paper. "Uh your dad wants you to hang out with me and my friends" I said.

"And what if I don't want to? I just want to take pictures since you got me out of my class" she sighed. "Ok look I will let you get you camera and you can take pics of us there, but your dad definetly wants you with us, so you have no choice." I spoke feeling a bit of empathy for her. She groaned and went to get her camera.

I walked over to her desk and looked at the papers, I saw some pictures she took on her room wall and they were really good.

"Ok I'm ready now let's go before I change my mind Bieber" she spoke.
Kylas POV

I went to Justins house and saw Pattie, Pattie is like my mum she looks after me and cares for me, and since my mum has gone she helps me when my dad isn't around.

"Pattie" I said running up to her, "Kyla!"She said hugging me back.

"Justin" Justin screamed hugging himself. "JUSTIN!" I think 'chaz' and 'ryan' screamed. "CHAZ AND RYAN!" Justin said hugging them.

"Oh my gosh like where have you been......all my life" a boy said to Justin. "Chaz just no" ryan said.

"Yeah anyway guys this is kyla" justin said. "Ooooh she's pretty, like jan" chaz said, "Who's jan now?" Justin asked annoyed.

"I named my cheese twists jan, dayum she tastes good" chaz said, ryan slapped him at the back of his head.

"Hi I'm ryan" he said shaking hands with me. "And I'm chaz" he said pointing to his cheek indicating for me to kiss his cheek. "Uh ok" I said kissing his cheek.

I decided to focus my camera on the boys and take a few pictures for them. "Smile guys" I spoke, they all smiled and hugged.

"My turn" Justin spoke trying to get my camera. "In your dreams" I said snatching away.

"Justin Drew you don't just take someone's item!" Pattie spoke. "Yeah drew" I said. "Whatever Charlie" he said.

"Don't you give me the Middle name" I said rolling my eyes. "Your the one who started it" he said winking, damn it bieber. "Let's go to the lounge" Justin said, I went into the lounge and sat next to ryan since he was the only decent one.

*ding dong*

"I'll get it" chaz said

"NOLAN!" Justin screamed. "Noly baby" Ryan said. Ok I take back what I said about Ryan.

"Meet kyla" Justin said. "Hi" I said taking a quick picture. "Hello" he said sitting next to me,

"Ok let's play truth or dare" chaz said

"I'm not playing I will take pictures" I said happily. "Uh no you are playing that's the rules" Chaz spoke sitting me down.

"Ok let's get started, chaz truth or dare" I asked. "Mmm dare" he said.

"I dare you to bring jan here and destroy her" I said evily. "Nooooo!!! I choose truth now" he said, "fine, ummm who was your first girl crush?" I asked.

"Stephanie" he said, the boys started agreeing or disagreeing. "Ok kyla truth or dare" chaz asked. "Dare" I said. "Give us all rates outta 10" he said.

"Ok, Nolan 10/10 cause you haven't hit on me like these guys, Ryan 9/10 cause your decent, chaz 7/10 cause your funny, Justin 5/10 because you can be decent at times but you are also very annoying" I said shrugging my shoulders at Justin.

"She's hurt my feelings" Justin said crying to chaz. "Babe it's ok" chaz said. "What?" I asked confused why he called him babe. "We are in a bromance, it's called chustin and Ryan and Nolan are in a bromance as rylan" chaz said.

"Uh ok, I gotta go call my friend for a second, I'll be back" I spoke walking up to the bathroom and took some time to myself, these guys creep the shit outta me, I fixed my hair then went downstairs and they suddenly chanted where they were sitting,

"Uhhh why are you guys sitting differently?" I asked. "Oh no reason, your sitting next to Justin now" Ryan said.

"Yep" chaz said smirking while Justin patted the seat next to him, "If I'm sitting next to Justin I'm not playing" I said walking away, suddenly I felt someone grab me back by the waist and lift me off the ground.

"Put me down!" I screamed.

"Look at that I got you again" Justin said putting me down next to him.

"Will you just leave me alone! I'm sick of you already, I'm leaving" I said walking away.

I turned back to him and said "you invaded my personal bubble again" i scowled, the boys looked confused then laughed their heads off,

I walked home since Justins house had to be in the same street as me, ugh I can't stand him.
Hope you like this one

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1st Book: We got that twisted loveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora